Started too early?

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  • von

    I’ll try to make this post short, though brevity is not my forte!  I have read the prior posts that seem similar and appreciate any time/advice you might have.  This past fall, DD and I started homeschool kindergarten and she attended a charter school 2 half-days per week during some of those months (there are long recesses in the school calendar; it’s a homeschool-charter program).  At first, she loved homeschool and wanted to do more everyday.  She also really enjoyed attending classes.  

    As the year has progressed, I can tell that homeschool / formal lessons are grating on her and she is not enjoying it anymore.  She is a perfectionist and we were successfully working through a lot of those issues, but lately I see she has a fear of trying things because of perfectionism.  I think I’ve pressured her too much and it’s not helping.  We got on a “course” with some workbooks and curricula and I think I’ve been more concerned about that and the calendar vs. how it’s going for her personally.  It took awhile for me to assess what was happening in her spirit and attitude.  Her classes have recessed until the coming fall and she’s missing her classmates; she is extroverted and I am introverted, so her need for constant communication is wearing on me and vice versa for her wtih my need for quiet times.    (She does have a younger sister, so she’s not alone in play.)

    I’ve been obsessing because I really want the best for my children and have worked so hard to make this a great introduction to homeschool for her this year.  And I feel like I’ve totally failed in that at this point.  I read a TON on homeschooling before starting and researched all of our options–I’m embarassed to say at a neurotic level.  I even read a lot of CM stuff (the classic recommended books, this site, AO) 1-2 years ago, but somehow am only now “registering” that maybe we should have waited another year to start!  It seemed at the time that DD was ready for more formal academics and a challenge.  I think my approach is “ecclectic”, so I didn’t really follow CM and instead got caught up this past year in trying to satisfy our charter school’s (the State’s) requirements for work samples…  

    I see that she’s progressed a lot (she’s reading, adding/subtracting, counting to 100, writing 1-2 sentences–not posting any of this to brag, just to say that she has learned a lot, considering in the fall she was just learning phonics and not fluent in writing lower-case letters, etc.)  The problem isn’t so much a lack of learning…it’s that I see that something has changed in her.  She does not seem “free” or joyful, like there is a spark for learning–at least with formal stuff.  As soon as she’s free to play or do her own thing, she’s happy again.  Mixed in there with wanting her to freely “feast” on all sorts of good learning, I am trying to work on the idea with her that she doesn’t get to be in charge of what we do for the day, etc.  She has pulled a bad attitude (pouting, grumping, provoking others) many days over the last 2 months when she doesn’t get to be in control.  So I’m searching for a balance in not pushing, yet training that she has to obey Mom and Dad.  I see that there are cracks in our relationship and I can’t stand that.  

    Longest post ever?  I’m sorry!  If you are still reading, I’ve pored over this site and AO again–the info on the Early Years, booklists, excerpts from CM’s writings…I’ve read a book by the Moores lately.  I’m really obsessing and have this sinking feeling that we probably just started too soon and should have waited a year+.  I’m hoping I haven’t caused any permanent/long-term damage because of it (not trying to be dramatic–just genuinely don’t want to screw up my kids!)  I guess more specifically, we have this month before the year is up, and then the summer.  I’d planned on schooling loosely year-round through the summer (like 2 days/week) so we wouldn’t lose all that’s been gained…But wondering if I should ease up and reconsider.  She’ll be 6 in the fall…Would we do Year 0 or Year 1 (sorry–mixing AO in here?)…  I don’t know if I should just kind of “repeat” kindergarten in some way next year or run ahead with what a typical 1st grade course would look like?  For any homeschool veterans, what do you do when you’ve screwed up and started too early/pushed too hard?  

    OK…this wasn’t short at all. Thank you in advance for your grace and patience.  I appreciate your time and hope to glean from any experience you might have.  


    If you are drawn to a CM style education, perhaps now is the time for some of the “informal” studies – music study, artists, nature study. No pressure. Don’t require a nature study notebook/journal yet; just get out there and enjoy creation together. Don’t question or discuss the music recording; just play it. Find a painting you think your daughter would like & display it for a while before doing the picture study “lesson.” Read lots of great picture books aloud. There are threads on here about great authors/illustrators. Invite your daughter to cook/bake with you – math & conversation. Provide art supplies for her to be creative. With any activity, tie those heart-strings. Love each other & enjoy together-time. Some days are so long, but the years do pass so quickly! When it’s time for more formal studies, add things gradually. I have to remind myself often to slow down & loosen up, to enjoy my children & to let them know that I appreciate them and that I’m so thankful to be their mom. I find that I become too preoccupied with expectations (housekeeping usually) that I lose focus on what’s most important- their hearts. Two threads that I’ve found very helpful are “Lies you believe” & the one about Sonya’s new talk “When More is Less.” Sorry for rambling about myself. I hope some of my suggestions help. Be encouraged that you are working to remedy this while your daughter is very young! You have NOT messed her up for life. There is time & many opportunities to rekindle that spark of love for learning. With whatever style of homeschooling you follow, remember to “teach the child, not the curriculum.”


    I started an at home charter school when my oldest two were in K and 1st. My boys and I got burned out, from “jumping through all their hoops”, within a couple of months. I switched to homeschooling on my own and just did Five in a Row along with there math and phonics. We all needed a break and enjoying good picture books along with lots of free/play time revived our love for learning. For time with friends we joined a homeschool co-op. It’s all worked out because those boys are now finishing 10th and 11th grade and still love learning! Don’t get me wrong, they haven’t loved every book or subject but they both (especially) know and love history, geography and a good book.

    I also have 6 younger children and still make mistakes and learn new things each year. Don’t stress about it. Just step back and ask the Lord for guidance, and believe he can handle it. You haven’t ruined your daughter. Maybe a small summer break is what you both need to regroup!



    Hello Von!

    It’s going to be all right and I agree, you haven’t ruined your daughter. I also used a charter school option with my older sons and “keeping up” was brutal. However when I got more contol of what and when we did things, everything improved within a couple months. I also agree about backing off, enjoying your time with your kids and experiencing some of the more relaxing and pleasant subjects like nature study and picture study etc. In the fall you can contunue with first grade using more CM gentle methods. I see no need to repeat kindergarten since the process is the same- meeting your daughter where she is and moving forward with her from there no matter if you call it kindy, or first or eleventh grade. 🙂


    I would like to encourage you to start here:

    Then go here:

    And to also read the books by Catherine Levinson called A Charlotte Mason Education and More Charlotte Mason Education. 

    I have been in your shoes and I know a little of how you feel. Be reassured that it is okay! It does seem that she is saying in her own way that she needs an acedemic break. A break of three or so months is nothing when compared to the whole scheme of things. It’s just hard for us mommies to do sometimes. We worry about what others will think if we aren’t “doing school” today. Worry about the Lord, not others. Please him and serve your family and you will be on the right track. Sometimes, lessons like these are learned the hard way as I am sure it is this way with many of us. I feel so grateful to have found SCM so early on in our homeschool years. I have been able to relax so much more had I not had the wisdom of Charlotte Mason under my belt.

    I would like to encourage you to take a whole month off. Put the homeschool research away, put the books away, etc…just play with your child. Clear your mind. Clear your house of excess. These moments are fleeting and we never know when they will be taken away from us. When you reflect on your time with your child, how do you want to see yourselves?  Having fun and loving one another or burdened with school work? There is plenty of time to come that will lend itself to acedemics. The days are long but the years are short. Enjoy your children to the best of your ability…there will be no regrets in this. I let go and starting loving my children more than homeschool and it has been the best part of our lives so far. God has blessed us in more ways than I could ever explain. Spiritual blessings of reaching your child’s heart are more fruitful than a math or reading lesson. There is a time to reap and a time to sow. I encourage to you rest for a while and pray over the events of the last months. Learn from them and change what the Lord guides you to change. Don’t resist, trush in Him. I hope you are feeling better about this stressful time from the other responses. There are so many helpful mothers here. It’s just the best! 

    Take one thing at a time and give it your full attention. You will be glad you did.

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