So we didn’t go to church this morning. We only have one vehicle right now and my dh got called early to go to work, which is unfortunate on a Sunday, but we could use the money to be honest with you. So the kids and I got out our SCM module 1 studies, mostly because I knew we were going to finish Genesis and I’ve been really looking forward to Exodus. So we read Exodus chapter one and the first lesson in the commentary. I thought it was awesome. What a way to reinforce what they had just heard. Then we used the teacher’s guide in the back to do more. We ended up doing the craft idea in the back, which was making pro-life posters. We printed out a small picture of a baby in utero in different stages on three pieces of paper, up in the corner on each one. Then my 11, 9 and 6 year olds took one and made posters.
My dd 6 wrote ‘God does not want you to do it’ on hers, with a picture of a baby and a tiny picture of an Egyptian throwing a baby boy in the Nile.
My ds9 wrote ‘Babies are a blessing! Stop killing babies!’ along with a picture he drew.
And my ds11 wrote ‘Abortion is the same as murder. The baby is alive. It deserves to live. No one has the right to lay hands on it. If you don’t want someone to murder your friend, why would you pay an abortion doctor to murder your baby? The sixth commandment says “Thou shalt not murder.”
Anyway, I had no idea there were teachers notes in the back, and I didn’t know it would be so interesting of a read.
Just wanted to share my excitment!