Started Module 1 last year but quit

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  • Sahmamma

    Hi! I need some advice. We started module 1 last year but I got overwhelmed and quit. Maybe it is just me, or the fact that my kids can’t hold still for anything, but I found a lot of the readings to be too long for my kids to listen to. Their ages are 11, 8, 5, and 4. I want to keep everyone together, but it wasn’t working.

    I want it to work! I’m not sure what to do. I completely lost my 5 year old with the bible readings and the Letters from Egypt book. Actually, none of my kids liked that one.

    Any suggestions? Maybe substitute different books?


    I am sure you will get more wonderful advice, but they are currently modifying the module guides and changing the reading suggestions, so that could help.

    We just did our first year with SCM and I started with Module 5 because I thought doing early American History would be easier to “grasp” for the kids, my oldest was in 1st grade. It started a bit slow but we found out groove and actually they did grasp quite a bit. But it is a work in progress, them learning how to listen to reading, not just “cute” books, and me learning how to read with interest outloud.


    You could just let the 5 and 4 year old join in listening when they want to. They are still young. I’ve heard others didn’t enjoy Letters from Egypt and substituted or just left it out for younger ones. I know some have used Sojourn in Africa as a substitute that was enjoyed better though I have not read it myself. Maybe the younger ones could keep their hands busy with something while you read as well, like playdoh or Legos and just make sure they know they must be quiet. Even the older ones might benefit from keeping their hands busy during read alouds. Hope this helps, I’m sure others will have some good advice too.


    I have my younger ones play quietly in the same room (although they aren’t always very quiet).  😉  I often have to stop for the 3yo.  We are only halfway through Mod 1, but it’s been going well.  My 6yo is finishing up her K year and doesn’t get near as much from the lessons.  I mostly aim them for the older two (10 and 8), but I do encourage my 6yo to at least listen to the Bible readings and picture books.

    I decided today to drop the Pharoahs of Ancient Egypt book.  They are enjoying the Boy of the Pyramids and both books get to be a bit much.  I also read in the manual about skipping over parts of the commentary.  A few of the lessons have gotten to be a bit too long, so we may shorten some of those.  I think they will still get quite a bit from the program (and possibly retain more information) by substituting and skipping some materials.  

    We are reading Letters From Egypt, but we downloaded the sample pages before committing to the entire book…I often read aloud the sample pages of books before buying them to see what my DC think of them.  I have decided against quite a few books (and saved some money…and bookshelf space) by doing this ahead of time.  Letters From Egypt is a challenging book for them, but they have been interested enough to continue…I would have skipped it if they weren’t interested.


    I would not expect a 5 and 4 year old to listen in the same way as I would expect the older two.  My dc are a bit older but my 7yo is a bit fidgety during these readings (well, most readings, who am I kidding??!!)  I do let him play with Legos or draw but because he is old enough to narrate I do expect him to be listening somewhat.  I do shorten the lessons if necessary and make sure everyone has had a snack, used the restroom, or whatever before we start, as well. 

    We skipped Pharaoh’s of Ancient Egypt, too, just couldn’t get that one really going.  I’m not too concerned as they will all have an opportunity to pass by AE again in the future and so will your dc.  OR, if they are really interested, they can read about AE, watch documentaries, on their free time. 

    And, I did purchase Letters from Egypt but didn’t use it.  We subbed with the Sojourn in Africa instead.



    I did not  make my youngest (6yo) listen to everything.  I had her listen to the Bible with us, but I felt like that was her limit some days.  For other reading, I often let her play her leap pad or my kindle (on silent) while she was sitting with us.  So, I hope she was absorbing some of the reading, but she was still happy and quiet.  

    We read part of Letters from Egypt, but ditched it part way through the year.  I figure with any curriculum there will be books we love and others we don’t care for.  Don’t feel bad about setting a book aside. I added a couple picture books on Egypt that I thought my younger ones would like.



    We skipped “Letter of Egypt” when we did Module 1.  My DD was 6-7 at the time.  We did do the Exodus commentary.  I loved it!  It did get to be long with the Bible reading, so sometimes we would break it up or we would just choose parts to read of each.  The Pyramid book took us longer than the module suggested b/c the readings were long for my 1st grader.  And we started “Pharoah’s Boat” but dropped it after a few pages.  “Boy of the Pyramids” was definitely a favorite!

    I would suggest finding what books work for you.  Skip or subsititute what your family is not enjoying.  The littles can listen in, but I wouldn’t require it of them.  Also, I got a flannel board for the Bible lessons.  For my DD who is visual and also kinesthetic it helped immensely to add this component.  She retained the lessons so much better. 


    We are definitely not maybe but halfway through module 1 as well! I have had a hard time keeping it going and doing it more than twice a week. I try to stick to the bible readings using the childrens story bible and they really love that book! I only do the suggested books for grade 1. We are hoping to get it finished up this summer although we are taking two months off from structured schooling. I have found that adding in our own hands on projects and videos has helped ALOT!


    Hi there – I am sorry you had trouble with making the reading work with your family. I am wondering about a few things:

    1. Is this your first attempt at a CM style education, or just with the SCM modules? I ask because it takes some time and practice for kids to develop the habit of attention.

    You could consider throwing the ‘schedule’ out the window and starting with shorter readings (maybe 15 minutes at a time). As the habit of attention is developed, you can lengthen the readings. It is also a good idea to break up your readings with periods of active learning (art, music, timeline or notebooking, etc…).

    Something we do is save our family read alouds for the very end of our family school work. The kids love these, so it gives them something to look forward to and they hang in there knowing that the ‘fun’ book is on its way!

    2. Did you try subbing out books that you and the kids were bored with? One of the things Charlotte talked about is that the child must like the book.

    Some books are a little harder to ‘warm up’ to than others, but if your family really doesn’t like a book you should feel free to change it. There are lots of good, living books out there so don’t feel bound to someone else’s selection.

    Your younger kids (before age 6) really don’t need to do all of the work that an 11 year old would do. You might consider reading a ‘lighter’ book with them, and then dismissing them for quiet time or a quiet activity while you get into the heavier reading material with the bigger kids.

    Hope it works out for you! Blessings!

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