Start with American History for K/2nd?

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  • Melissa Rex

    I would like to transition to SCM for history.  I want to do the history cycle, but I was hoping to spend this next year reading about American history.  I will have a 5 yo and 7 yo.  I’m not sure what to choose.  I see the Stories of America books.  They look appealing.  Will they be enough?  Will I want both for the year?  Should I also start the “world” history cycle along with this?  I would love thoughts and opinions!


    This year for my ds7 (2nd grade) and dd6 (1st grade), we used Beautiful Feet’s Early American History Through Literature guide (100+ lessons that can be spread over 1-2 years) which I very highly recommend.  My children really enjoyed all the books we read.  In fact, I only intended to do American History 2 days/week, but they usually wanted to do it every day.  There is copywork involved, which may be too much for your 5yo, but that can easily be skipped or saved for later.

    I have, but have not used Stories of America, volumes 1-2.  I may have my children read volume 1 for review/fun this summer.

    We also did SCM’s Joshua-Malachi and Ancient Greece (module 2) this year.  My children have thoroughly enjoyed The Story of the Greeks. Last year we used module 1.

    We spend alot of time on history, but we enjoy it, so this is what worked for us.


    Melissa Rex

    Do the SCM history modules increase in difficulty or is it okay to start with whichever module you’d like?  I’m considering starting with Early Modern because it includes US history as well. The 5 yo will really just be enjoying the stories when she chooses. She will not be required to follow through all of the lessons.


    You can start with any year. We started with Early American & World when my oldest was in 1st.


    Each History guide is written for grades 1-12, so they do not get more difficult with each year, you just select the grade/age appropriate books for each of your students.


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