Start Math Now for 1st Grader Who Needs a Better Foundation?

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  • lamancini

    Hello! Total Newbie here. I’ve been looking the website over for a few weeks. I know I want to use this method in fall. Right now, in the short term, one of my first grade twins needs a lot of review in all the basics. I’m thinking of starting her now on the Level 1 Math Bundle. Asking you all, would it be a good idea or appropriate to order just that piece now, and get her started this spring? Then continue in fall with Level 1 Math? For her twin, who is truly at the end of Level 1, could I use the same thing with her now, but as review rather than re-establishing a foundation? Thank you!


    If it were me, I’d review counting, number recognition, and simple adding (up to ten).  I use a different curriculum and that’s all my kids needed to know going into first grade. We use counting blocks a lot in K and first grade. If you don’t have any,  legos, buttons, pasta, etc could be used instead. Also, I don’t worry about the handwriting part at that age. I’ll write for them, or write numbers on stickers that they can use to do the lesson “by themselves “.

    Tamara Bell

    Because both of your kiddos are already 1st grade, I would do as you suggest.  There really is no reason or “essential” to holding off to formally work on any subject until fall.  Pick up a subject here and there, become more familiar with Charlotte’s method, and in the fall go full in continuing wherever you are.  We have many families take time adding in a subject at a time.  🙂



    Thank you! I did order the Level 1 Bundle last night, as well as Delightful Handwriting and a couple of Ebooks. I wish I had them right now! We did a nice school day today. I taught them an introduction to coins, and I read some sight words and primer with one twin while the other read on her own. We did Bible Memory work and moved on to the 2nd chapter of Genesis. I read to them from an American History book written in Living Book style. . . . They seemed to really liked having a formal “presentation,” like we just did with the coins. I’m wondering how that works in the framework of living books and narration. I used a globe to show where Lief Erikson set off from, and the places he and his crew landed. They were “done,” at that point, so I didn’t ask for a narration. Will ask them tomorrow to see if they caught anything. Thank you!

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