Starfall has math too

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  • Wings2fly

    My kids are reading so we don’t visit as often as we used to. We went on there today to make a calendar, and I found that they offer some math too:


    Yes, it is $35 a year for family use of more.starfll.  They do have a few of the programs for free


    I thought it was new. Sorry. Has anyone used it? Feedback please. Is it worth the $35 a year?


    Bump. I am thinking of trying this for my dd. She loved Starfall so I think she would like learning on More Starfall. I was hoping to hear feedback from someone who has tried it.


    Our family subscribes to starfall, mostly for my dd (14, but cognitively about 3 y/o).  She is not able to write, but can use the mouse quite well.  The math section has preschool math (numbers 1-20 (I think), then 25, 50, 100, and does several activities for each.  There are also several math songs, such as 1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive, and the Months of the Year).  Place value, word problems, calendar, some brief composer info.  My ds9 and ds7 both love to do starfall for math when they are done their MUS for the week.  It is good review for 1st and 2nd grade math.  There are also books to read, phonics, colors, historical songs, learning time, weights, symmetry, patterns, etc.  It has been well worth the $35 for us.




    Thank you. We are going to try it.


    Coming a bit late to this, wings2fly, but just wanted to say ditto to morestarfall being worth the $35. I have subscribed to this for two years (maybe a bit more…) DD4 and DD6 have loved the math on this enhanced section (and DD8 and DD10 even have fun playing around a bit once in a while, too…lots of math facts drills on there that are presented in new and different ways). But certainly, yes, the younger kids have picked up a lot of math concepts, counting, measuring, weight, etc. completely on their own.

    I must add one additional comment however: subscribing to morestarfall also gives access to the full Starfall Audio books Library section (most titles are blocked out when you try to access the free way). In my opinion MANY of these books are twaddle. REALLY twaddle. At first, I thought, oh no big deal. Then I saw my 4 yr old and 6 year old going to it over and over. I kept hearing the short, choppy sentences. Then I became so aware of the lack of thought-provoking content. I’m all for my kids having their fun here and there so I tried not to over-think it. But the more I heard from this “library” the more I began to cringe. Many “dumbed-down” abridged versions of “classic” titles. We’re now at the point where I’ve asked them not to go onto the starfall audio “library” at all, or only with my permission and in that case we’ll choose the “book” together.

    I do love the math section though.

    HTH! Blessings, Angie


    Thanks Angie. I will tell her to focus on the math then. I was impressed with the samples for math, yes.

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