Star Wars

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  • suzukimom

    My kids have seen the ones from the 70’s but I haven’t let them watch the newer ones as they seem a LOT darker to me, and more violent.   I’ve only watched them maybe twice myself (the new ones that is).

    In Movie 6 (the 3rd made) – Return of the Jedi – Leah (and some other characters) are in a somewhat revealing slave dress…

    As far as the extra stuff, like books and toys, that go along with the movies, I have to say that I am pretty picky. I’ll let my son get a book from the library once in a while, but we don’t have any of the toys. Mostly because we just say no if they ask, which honestly, they don’t. (and we do this with any of the movie/cartoon stuff) My boys are too busy with their playmobile and legos and matchbox cars to get too into figures. Now, my oldest is only 7 so as far as the big lego stuff, he can’t really do those easily so we just don’t buy them. Sometimes they’ll see stuff in a catalog or whatever and I just agree on how cool it looks and then we move on.

    Bottom line, I think that its the same with any single thing – you have to decide what your limits are. Really, anything can turn into something that takes up too much of your time (or your child’s, in this case) or too much of your head space. If you allow them to go nuts for Spiderman, they will. If you allow them to go nuts for Star Wars, they will. You have the power to limit what comes into your home and into your kid’s life.

    And btw, suzukimom – I agree on the newer three. I think they are much more violent. I’ve only let them watch the first one. And you know, they totally don’t care. They’d rather see Return of the Jedi – I’m thinkin because of the ewoks, ya know? lol



    FYI- there is still no blue ray machine; the company did tell us that it is still in the works.

    The heads up is if you stream movies, some of the codes are not working or don’t work you’d have to research that if it’s important to stream…since we don’t stream movies and don’t care about blue ray…it is our best friend for movie nights!


    Thanks we don’t do stream (I am guessing cause I don’t know what that means) we just want it for our movies. You know me and dh will watch a really good movie that’s PG13 and overall the message is great but theres a bit of cussing. This would allow my older boys to watch it with us. Thanks


    I have not really read all the responses, but here is my view point on this….

    My children are going to be exposed to a variety of things when they go out in the world or just out of my home. I rather have them learn of things here, than by one of their friends or someone else.This way if they have any questions or concerns, we can talk them out as a family…and as Christians. It is a shame a LOT of movies and TV shows these days have no moral content to them at all, and I feel it is my job to talk to my children about why this show disturbs me or why they are not allowed to watch it. I have seen youth bible studies on the Star Wars movies though…and my son participated in one at our church quite a few years ago. All I can recall, is it was quite interesting.

    My son (11) loves Star Wars and it is possible to find life lessons in these stories about right and wrong choices. We discussed “the force” and how there is no such thing. It was made up for the story line.We have even had the discussion of whether or not there are other “worlds” out there. I simply said I don’t know as God has only shown us this world and the planets within our system….that it would be up to God to allow us to know such things and right now, we have not been given that insight and may never be given that information.

    I have allowed him to see the Harry Potter movies but AFTER we had a talk about magic and how there is no such thing. God is the only one with “magic” if you will. He has not read the books yet as I think some of the character names are a bit too much for him (ADHD and such). If he wants to read them, I will allow him to read them for fun. We discussed again bad choices and good choices the characters make in the movie too.I also explain to them that some kids have not seen these movies due to their parent’s decision and we should respect that decision by not talking about the movies/books while around their children. That includes no games or toys with said characters unless we have the parent’s blessing for their children to do so.

    I respect everyone’s views on their choices about what their children do and do not see or read. I pray my decisions are also respected.

    God bless you all!!

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