Staining problem with Homemade Detergent

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  • Laura.bora

    I’ve been making homemade Laundry Detergent for about a year now, and recently switched from using plain old Dial soap to Fels-Naptha.  Since I did that, I’ve been noticing that any sweat stains on our clothes are staining to a yellowish color.  I’m not entirely sure if it’s the fels-maptha, or something else.  Anyome have any suggestions?  Has anyone had a similar problem with homemade laundry detergents?  So many of our clothing is being ruined by this staining, which is not the effect I was going for!

    I will have to look it up, or maybe someone else can say for sure, but I think that white vinegar can get the yellow stains out of white clothes for example. I imagine you are likely talking other color clothes as well, so I will have to check and see if it is safe for that – but I read how it can help with white undershirts. Linda


    We use the Fels-Naptha but I do always run white vinegar through every load instead of fabric softener.  The only really yellow stains I get are on my husband’s undershirt collars and underarms after he has used them for quite a while.  I don’t see us going through his t-shirts faster than before we used the homemade detergent though so I have not connected the stains to the detergent, just guy sweat!  I do imagine that with the differences in water in different areas, that you may have different reactions in the chemicals used in different soaps but I don’t know for sure, just that is sounds plausible.  I think I have been no help!


    The yellow stains are usually caused by your sweat’s acidic reaction to the aluminum salts in anti-perspirant. If you don’t use a commercial anti-perspirant, it can also mean you have higher levels of urea (a waste product) in your sweat. This can be due to a higher amount of protein in your diet, but everyone is different in terms of secreting wastes & toxins from the body. Perhaps switching to a deodorant only or an anti-perspirant without aluminum would help.

    I also read that applying a solution of equal parts baking soda, peroxide, and water to the stain & allowing it to sit for a half hour before washing is supposed to help. Line drying (especially in the sun) instead of in the dryer is better for this, too.


    Lol…well, it’s not the deodorant doing this.  I’m noticing it mostly on my 8yo son and 5 yo daughters clothing, and they don’t use deodorant.  And I’ve noticed it on one of my shirts on an area I sweat, but don’t have deodorant there….. 

    I’ll try adding white vinegar to the wash and the baking soda, peroxide, water stain remover.  And when I finally go through all of this detergent, I’ll go back to using Dial instead of Fels Naptha!  Lol.

    Thanks everyone for suggestions!

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