Announcing an informal meet up after the St. Louis expo closes Friday evening. Sonya, Karen, and I will be there and we’re looking forward to meeting any of you able to join us. We also hope it will be a great opportunity for some of you to get to know each other offline as well.
Where: The West County Center Mall food court. There are lots of options for eating and plenty of seating. The food court is at the end of the mall near JC Penny. According to the mall map it may be on the second floor, but I’ve never been there to be sure.
Directions: It’s only about four miles from the church and the address is 80 W County Center, Des Peres, MO 63131. Here’s a Google map with a route.
When: The expo closes at 5:30 pm, so let’s say around 6pm or after. Come and go as you please.
How will we find each other? We’ll see what we can come up with to obviously mark our location. If nothing else, look for tables with books on them.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to come. I can fly in and have a way to the Expo but can’t get to the airport to go home! 🙁 I’d love to meet up with you all again!
I did message with pollysoup and she won’t be able to come after all. 🙁 But I will be there (look for me in the front row at Sonya’s first session on LDTR!) and would love to join you guys for dinner for sure! Sheraz will be there too! Not sure who else…
And if anyone is looking to spot me — I might wear something pink, but otherwise I will likely be the Mysterious Lady in Purple-and-white tomorrow…not quite the same ring to is as the Mysterious Lady in Pink, but wardrobe is what it is. <sigh>
Oh! I should have checked this before heading out today. I definitely would have met up with you all! It was amazing to hear Sonya *in person* today!!! 🙂
Triscuit! *We* want to meet you too! I’m going to try to sit in the front row for Sonya’s 1st talk today — I’m wearing a purple and white shirt. Please come introduce yourself! (And anyone else who is reading this who might be there!)
EEEEEEEEEEEEE! This was the best weekend EVER! I met several amazing SCM mamas and gleaned SO much from Sonya’s seminars. The “Less is More” was just what I needed to hear – inspiring AND practical! Thank you, SCM team for “meeting us in St Louis!”
EEEEEEEEEE! from me too!! I am exhausted, but WOW! What a great couple of days! I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me. Seriously.
Totally agree with everything Triscuit said (I got to meet Triscuit! yay!!) — the SCM team was so fun and gracious. And yes, the draw from the den of temptation (aka: the SCM booth with all their lovely products) was too strong to resist, but I also don’t regret any of my additional purchases.
Looking forward to cultivating the CM love in some more fertile soil in the STL area in the months ahead, now that so many more seeds have been planted.
Note to attendees: be sure to fill out the Expo feedback form online and thank them for inviting SCM and ask them to have Sonya teach even more workshops next year!
It was so much FUN! I enjoyed meeting up with you guys and I am so thankful that we got to spend some time in face to face conversation with the SCM team and the CM mamas! It was fun to learn from the masters (or as one of my friends said – the CM goddesses) 😉
To Sonya – I am anxious to put into active practice some of the ideas that were personally motivating to me through our Friday night chat and your new workshop! Out with the craft/play room, in with the school room! I told you how I woke up Friday morning thinking about how to do that…by Saturday night I had re-arranged several rooms (still in my head, of course) to enable me to better love others well. And my pile of things to put into circulation is getting huge. I AM going to do this!!
To Karen and Doug – I am thankful that you shared your experiences with us and enjoyed very much learning some ideas about nature study. I plan to add some of those ideas to my new school room and extend my outside yard features by the school room window. And thanks for all the long, quiet work behind the scenes. =)
I enjoyed meeting Triscut and hanging out with Mysterious Lady in Purple and White Stripes 😉 as well as my other friends. This was a huge and much needed boost of encouragement to me. I am really looking forward to putting the joy back into our educations.
To Triscut and MLIP – now we need to plan next month’s field trip and conversation day! =)
It was so good to meet you all face to face (and to lose my voice from screaming with laughter so much!). But hey, those honey sticks and lemon essential oil did the trick! And my whole family has roared over the two posters you brought to the When More Is Less workshop. What fun times!
@sheraz: Next time I wake up with an idea at 3:00 AM, I’m going to think of you and pray for you as you implement all the great ideas you got over the weekend! You can do this! And SO many people will benefit from it!
@MLIP: I’m praying for you as you look toward creating new beautiful CM memories with your children in the days ahead.
@Triscuit: I’m so glad we got to connect in St. Louie and am especially glad the new workshop encouraged you! It’s fun to think that it was conceived and prayed over on this forum!
I tell ya, this weekend makes me eager for a national SCM Forum meet-up! What a blessing to have CM friends!