Spring Sale at Vision Forum

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  • Caroline2

    I’m not sure how many here shop at Vision Forum, but we love their history Cd’s, and the Large Family Logistics book is an excellent book for taking care of your home. She is a homeschooler also, so talks about. They are having their spring sale starting today, and have 25 pages of items 40-70% off! The sales are excellent. 🙂 


    I was just coming here to post the same thing.  They have the True Story of Noah’s Ark used in history Module 1 and some Moody science dvds, which some are used in 106 Days of Creation.   Also Jonathan Parks is $12.50.


    I also just found out if you put in the code FREETEA when checking out then you get a copy of the Tea with Michelle Duggar DVD for free! 

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