Spring Cleaning Help

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  • Sue

    I have tackled spring cleaning in such a haphazard fashion in the past few years, and I’m trying to look for websites, blogs, charts, etc. that might help.  I don’t really have the time to read another book, nor do I want to spend the extra money right now.

    Would any of you be willing to share links that you have found helpful for this task?  I plan to have the kids help (13yo dd, 10yo dd…..and limited help from 11yo ds w/ autism), so anything that incorporates kid-labor would be good, too.



    Lesley Letson

    I am on again off again with Fly Lady. The thing I like about it is that you can just pick up where you left off – it has never been overwhelming to me, most things are broken down into 15 minute tasks. I bookmarked the page called Current Fly Zone she rotates areas of your house and gives basic cleaning and deep cleaning tasks for each of them. There is a lot of helpful info on the site if you look around – and it is all free, no need to buy another book Smile

    Lesley Letson

    I just thought of this site – I have never used it myself, but a friend of mine always buys their downloadable planners (or something like that) and she raves about it. It’s called Motivated Moms


    I have nothing but advice.  I am an organizer freek!  So when we are done with school for the year (our main schooling we school year round) I set aside 1 week.  I plan out which rooms and what order to be done.  So for me it’s usually this from least needed to most.  Why because the most needed is usually were everything needs to be like the kitchen and office.

    So I start top to bottom with kids rooms, trying clothes on, cleaning dressers, etc.  Also, they can do a lot themselves because it’s theres.  Then on to something like bathrooms, also a good one for kids. Empty drawers and wash out, restock, etc.  Then maybe toys, into the 3 piles: donations, junk and keep.  Then we start tackling the bigger rooms usually main family rooms (which is mostly dusting where we don’t dust weekly).  then on to the kitchen and yes we empty out everything.  The kids are great buckets in hand and take it out, wipe it and put it back.  I am the arranger in this so that I only keep what we’ve used and throw everything else.  Then usually last is the office and that’s my ground other than the book shelves. 

    What else helps I have 7 (12 to 6mo) and I might send a big one out with a little one for a hr and then switch it up.  We might do some during nap time.  But anyone can use a wet washclothe around here!

    Hope these idea’s help.  Wish I could come help I would have it spick and span and then your dh like mine will go, “hey hun what happened to >…..”.  Opps I threw it away!  LOL Misty


    This list makes me tired just reading it, but it will have your house spiffy!  Leave it to Martha Laughing.




    Yeah, I know….”Martha” tends to exhaust me, and her lists are too pretty, lol!

    Thanks to everyone who has replied thus far.  My 13yo dd suggested that we make tomorrow a spring cleaning day, so I’m trying to come up with a plan of attack before she changes her mind.  Personally, I think she is mostly trying to have a day off from school.  (Little does she know, we are still going to Bible and maybe a little subject or two….)



    Fly lady has changed my life!  She does a GREAT job at teaching my family the habits we need.  LOVE flylady!



    ….would even like charts/lists of what to clean/in what order.  (I tend to forget something when I’m creating a list myself!)


    Here is a link to a blank chart you can use to make your own cleaning schedule, I find it useful, especially as I like to change the way I do things pretty often.  Hope it helps someone.


    Blessings,  Linda


    Thank you, Linda.  I like that chart!  I actually subscribe to the Econobusters e-newsletter, but somehow I missed that before.


    You are welcome Sue, I find it really useful – Econobusters is great isn’t it?  Highly recommended.  Linda


    Sue, as far as what to clean first, my general rule is to clean from top to bottom. So, start with ceiling fans and light fixtures, and work your way down to door trim, corners, windows. Then window sills, high furniture, low furniture, baseboards, and floors last.

    Something else a lot of people don’t think about is your bedding. I’m not talking about sheets. I like to throw all our pillows in the dryer with a dryer sheet twice a year to kill allergens, mites, and to fluff them up and make them smell good. If you have duvet covers and washable duvets, wash them. If not, take them to the cleaners. It’s once a year, so worth the expense. Also, use the vacuum hose on your mattresses, all over the top and around the sides. If you can, flip the mattress and do the other side.

    Happy cleaning!



    Hi Sue,

    Notebookingpages.com has a free”Cleaning Zone Detailed Sample” that proved helpful to me when creating my spring cleaning routine. Its based on the flylady system but can be tweaked as you like.

    Also, Linda I love the blank chart! I’m glad you shared it.

    Blessings, Heather

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