Just wondering how y’all spread out Bible when using the SCM guides. We are currently doing the Early Modern guide. My kids are 15, 12, and 9 so it isnt an issue of being able to focus for the whole lesson, I just like to read scripture every day with them. Right now we do the Bible/Geography lesson on Monday as written, then break the same chapter up into portions and re-read a few verses each day, hoping some lesson points will be solidified a bit. Its working ok, but I am open to other ideas. I thought about reading Proverbs the other days, or doing some OT readings to mix it up. Any ideas would be appreciated.
When we went through Early Modern and Modern, I didn’t spread out the daily Bible reading. It’s important to me that my children know that Bible reading isn’t just during “school” so we had other Bible readings we were doing outside of SCM. We worked on reading through the Psalms and Proverbs during those years.
I feel the same way as Tamara; I like to plan a separate Bible time that isn’t mapped out for us. We are in SCM Matthew-Acts, and we’ve always had a Wed, Thurs, Fri (or Thurs, Fri) reading plan separate from SCM. We just finished reading through Revelation; we used our study Bible notes as a resource to go alongside our readings. Right now we are studying David’s life in 1 Samuel.
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