Spiritual Disciplines

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  • Betty Dickerson

    Cindy, I just found your post! Thanks for your practical suggestions. I have used similar tactics before but have lately let it slip with the curriculum shopping and planning that I’ve been doing.

    I do want to honor my husband and not feel so tired, so I will use this month to work on new habits and see what adjustments will help my situation.

    Maybe we can all lift each other in prayer about this as well and check on each other? I can use all the help I can get.



    First, I want to share a wonderful blog post on this topic.


    Second, thank you for sharing specifics. I am not a morning person at all. Only 2 of my 6 children are morning people. THankfully one of them is my oldest so he can take care of the other one who is 8 while I am still sleeping. It works for us and that is what matters.

    Doug mentioned the RSS on the ESV site. We use this for our daily Bible time for school. We love it.

    The computer can be a huge issue and a huge blessing. We have no TRUE like-minded families that we have met in our area. So having the computer is a way for me to have that like-minded fellowship. It helps me stay strong when many times I feel like falling into the pit of despair over not having IRL friends.

    Have those of you who want to make changes asked your husbands what he would like to see changes in? Or what time he would like you up or does it really even matter to him? Sometimes I think we as women have to high of expectations because we are in the battle every day and our husband can come in with an outsiders view and help us get back on track or guide us in ways we did not see there or even possible.

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