Anyone using a spine for Mod. 6 or does anyone have any suggestions??
I will have a year 1, year 3, and year 7, if that helps. I have a resource or two but I’m just not sure.
Last school year we did not use a spine (other than listening to This Country of Ours, but that was just as we were driving, not during any specific history “lesson”). I have CHOW and we could continue with TCOO but utilize it in a more purposeful way, which would work, but I’m still curious what you all may suggest. TIA.
We used Story of the World a few times to fill in a couple of gaps where we didn’t have a living book available to us (as in, not in the library or the budget is used up). We were covering module 5.
I am thinking of using TCOO as a spine next year for module 6, but it only goes up to 1907, if I remember correctly. Goodness, if I have my dad sit and tell them life stories every couple of days, that would cover from the 1930’s to the present….oh, wait a minute–when he gets going, the stories last for an hour or so….not very CM!
Thanks Sue. We do have the audio book of TCOO, which is okay, but I was kind of hoping for a read aloud, well it is read aloud so maybe it will work 🙂 We’ll see. I didn’t use a spine last school year (mod 5) except some of TCOO and I’d really like to this year. My boys were reading their books independently so I didn’t feel like we were doing history together except me “knowing” that we were all in the same period. Hmmmmm………
Do you have a Kindle? Or the Kindle for PC app + a laptop? If so, you could use TCOO as a read-aloud. I downloaded it to my laptop (no Kindle yet…..*sigh*), from Project Gutenberg. You can access it here.
Yes, I have a kindle but haven’t been searching for books in awhile from Gutenberg……Thanks Sue, I’m headed over there right now! And, I love my kindle…really I do 🙂 Yeah! I just let my 12 yo that we’ll have a “spine” this year and he was actually pretty excited about that.
Actually, I just looked at Amazon, and they have a Kindle edition (illustrated!) for just 99 cents. The Gutenberg download for Kindle, although free, contains no images.
Just wanted to mention that TCOO has a very derogitory chapter about Mormons…. please do not read it to your kids as it is not even slightly accurate, and I would classify that chapter as hate literature.
Thanks for mentioning that chapter. It has piqued my curiousity, so I will probably read it for myself and then research the truth. We’re not Mormons, but it never helps to come away from reading something with a very erroneous impression of a people group.