The Next Year at a glance and 2 decisions to make…..I would love your input!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules The Next Year at a glance and 2 decisions to make…..I would love your input!

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  • Britney

    I have made final decisions on everything for my daughter’s 2nd grade year (also my first year using Charlotte Mason methods). I still cannot decide on a few things even though I have poured over curriculum.

    1. Spelling- I know Charlotte Mason used dictation for spelling and she did not start this until age 10. However, my daughter has actually requested spelling help because she has such a hard time with it. She is a great reader and knows all the phonics rules that were taught but for some reason she has a hard time when having to write using some of the same rules. What curriculum have you used or what can you recommend?

    2. Character Training-I have looked at buying some of the products from Doorposts such as the Put-On chart and such. I also like the Kaye Freeman series. I just can’t decide. What do you use?

    Other than these questions I pretty much have down what I will use starting in July (we are year-rounders). Here’s what it looks like:

    Copywork-hymns, scripture, reading passages

    Math- Abeka (I know! Not CM friendly but she LOVES their math and doesn’t want to switch and I plan to cut lessons to follow CMs short lessons)

    Science-Finish up Apologia’s Astronomy and begin Botany

    Grammar-First language Lessons

    History/Geography/Bible-SCM Module 1 including the guide

    Scripture Memory using SCM system

    Literature-SCM Year 2 plus some we have picked out on our own

    Poetry-SCM Year 2

    Nature Study- Nature notebook

    Art/Picture Study-SCM Year 2

    Music/Composer Study-SCM Yer 2

    Hymn Study- (2 hymns per term)

    Foreign Language-gentle introduction to Spanish (trying to decide between two curric.)

    Possibly Shakespeare but may wait until next year

    What do you think?


    I JUST found this character study  It’s got lots of different topics and looks like it goes in depth into each one – I think that using a couple of these with Laying Down the Rails will give us a pretty full program for next year.  I like that it’s a really in depth look at each character trait, with time to develop it in each child, looks like there’s lots of “living” excerpts to support each trait.  I printed out the sample – 16 pages and I’m going to give it a try with my 6 year old, a little younger than they recommend, but I think she’ll be able to understand it, and then narrate answers to the questions asked.  The sample is the one of Cheerfulness which is DEFINITELY what my four year old needs, so I’m going to make her sit in too! 

    We’re doing Module 1 for History/Bible/Geography too and I’m going to add a few activities from Tapestry of Grace’s website – lots of free ideas for ancient times!

    Looks like you’ve got a great plan going!




    Hi Britney!

    Your schedule looks great! Have you seen Queens “Spelling through copywork”? It might be the perfect fit for your daughter.




    I agree that your schedule looks great!!!


    I, too, think your schedule looks really great! We did a character study on David Livingstone, and my dc (6 and 4) loved it! We used a Chronicles of Faith book.



    We use “All About Spelling” in SCM style.  I stretch one “lesson” over one week. 

    We use “A Child’s Book of Character Building” for character.  We are on book one this year and will move to book two next year.


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