This topic has 10 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 1 month ago by Anonymous.
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January 21, 2014 at 8:31 pm
I have Spelling Wisdom 4 and want to begin using it with my 10 grader. We have done a *little* prepared dictation but not consistently. On the SCM guide, the recommendation for 10th grade is to use lessons 71-140. Should I go with that or start from the beginning?
Personally, I would start earlier than that, unless your 10th grader already has great spelling and terrific vocabulary. The passages get progressively longer and sentence structure more complex, etc., as the lessons pass. Have you looked at the samples? Maybe that would be a better way to judge. But especially if this is a newer thing, starting earlier within whichever volume you choose would typically mean shorter passages, which might be helpful.
January 22, 2014 at 2:41 am
Actually, my 10th grader does really well with spelling. I was looking through the Spelling Wisdom book I have (Book 4) and I looked at a lot of the lessons all throughout the book. For the most part, I didn’t find many words that she probably *doesn’t* know how to spell. I was able to find some other threads that discussed Spelling Wisdom and found one that answered one of the questions I had which had to do with dictating the really long passages. So in regards to being able to spell the words, would that mean she could probably move on to Book 5?
January 22, 2014 at 6:47 pm
I just went through the sample of Spelling Wisdom and looked through the selections from Book 5. In all the samples, there may be three words total that my daughter might not know how to spell. And I say *might* since I didn’t ask her as I was looking through the sample. Do you think we need to do Spelling Wisdom or may she be at the place of where all we need to do is just address any misspelled words in her writing as they might appear? Or continue to do that but also choose some passages from her readings that have more advanced words. Any thoughts anyone?
I would no longer do spelling as a separate subject, but simply address it through reading and writing.
January 22, 2014 at 7:11 pm
Thanks Christie. How would you go about addressing spelling errors in writing? Would you point them out and observe to see if they continue spelling them wrong and if so, what would you do next? Or would you point out the spelling error and then find a passage that uses that word and do a dictation exercise for that?
I simply point out errors, remind the teen to look up words they don’t know, and point out any peculiarities in the word to help them remember it and/or point out the Latin or Greek roots to help them remember it. We see very, very few spelling errors by high school years.
So Mrs. K, what did you use to teach her to spell so well, or does she come by it naturally?
It’s exciting to hear of her abilities!
January 22, 2014 at 9:08 pm
TailorMade, Overall, my daughter really has always been able to spell well. Before we began using CM methods, we did the traditional spelling lists and spelling tests. She always did very well on the tests and a lot of times got all the words right. Even if she did miss a word, it was usually just one or two here and there. There were some words that gave her trouble like their and there. But she does better with those now overall. She is also very good with languages. She enjoys studying languages.
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