Spelling Wisdom / Spalding

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  • HiddenJewel

    Spelling is one of the few CM methods that I really struggle embracing as Spalding makes so much sense to me. I am wondering if there are others in the same place who have incorporated Spelling Wisdom (or similar material) into your schooling.


    Hidden Jewel – I am in the same boat. I use AAS now, but have used SWR in the past. I have found my kids, at least the two oldest think a lot like me and NEED the spelling rules. We find knowing the ~ 70 phonograms and ~ 25 rules to be of great benefit. I like that AAS uses dictation albeit of simple sentences. We have used Spelling Wisdom alongside with success. I do 1-2 SW passages per week at times and we analyze the unknown words using what we know from AAS. It works well. We’re taking a break from SW right now as I’m having some health issues that make me need simple, but I intend to return to doing spelling this way when we start the new school year.

    Last year, I spent a term doing only prepared dictation with SW with my oldest. I liked the simplicity, but the fact was she didn’t retain the words as well. She needs to break the words down into phonograms and look at them with spelling rules in mind. Once we used the two together, things went well. I even started writing some practice exercises to go with the SW passages which would be perfect in my book. However, I had to put the project aside for a time. I got the idea from a book called Delightful Dictation by Wiggletoes Press (on lulu.com). We worked through part of that book and it went well. I just decided to add back the AAS bc I like the structured way it goes.




    Thanks for this Christie – this is exactly what I am hoping/planning to do as well. We are using AAS only right now (since my dd is only 6), but I was planning to add SW alongside just as you mentioned when she gets to be the right age to do longer dictation passages. =)



    Thanks. That is how I have been thinking on doing it – using the SW passages but analyzing the unknown words SWR-style as part of the studying before dictating. I think that might work well for us. It solves the negatives that needed to disappear and keeps the good I was loathe to lose.

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