Who here has used Spelling Wisdom? I would really like to try this with my son. We started with a traditional “15 spelling words to memorize” each week, but he’s such an advanced reader, and a good speller, that they were really a waste of time. Also, he’s extremely visual, so he can see a word once or twice and pretty well “have” it.
So, I like the idea of this book, of only studying the words he needs to learn. My only question is – how do you find it, not learning the rules? I mean, I know that we never really learned the spelling rules growing up and I spell fine. But I guess it seems today’s world puts such emphasis on learning the rules. What are your thoughts?
I have some kids who sound much like your son. Honestly, spending time on the “rules” was pointless. They just seem to intuitively get it. There may be a stray rule that is helpful, but I think Spelling Wisdom fits perfectly for this type of child (and others too).
I’m not sure how old he is, but I would not necessarily follow the SCM recommendations for placement if he is already a very strong speller…probably bump him up a bit. I think having 1-3 words/passage he is not absolutely certain about would be a good place to look (in his case, based on my experience with mine who were like this, I would say that means zero hesitation about how to spell it). And some entries might be all words he knows — that’s ok too. He’s still solidifying those in his mind.
Don’t look to make it “hard” but rather that there is just something he needs to focus on. The punctuation really plays in to the passage too, as well as the habit of attention as he will have to “hold” that dictated portion in his mind as he is writing. So while you may want to bump him up, I would caution against going *too far* above the recommended placement because it is more than just spelling. HTH!