Please help!
My son just turned 11 and we are in lesson 78 of Spelling Wisdom 1. I feel like he is a natural speller and for the most part if comes easily for him. We have been taking our time with the book, usually he studies the selection for 4-5 days for about 8 min on his own. Then on the 5 or 6 day, I read it to him and he writes it. He typically gets all of the words correct, sometimes one or two will be wrong. Then I have him study those words alone, for a few days, usually writing them.
My concern is, on the “test” day, I go back over the old lessons randomly choosing words for him to spell verbally and written. He gets only about 75% correct. Is this ok? He is not remembering or spelling correctly some of the words we studied! What should I do?
Thank you!