I am using Spelling Wisdom for spelling and dictation with my teenage daughter (age 13). We are doing well with our first year of CM…we both are enjoying this journey!
I schedule Dictation work on Monday and Tuesday morning after Algebra. I prepare a weekly “At a Glance” on Sunday night or Monday morning with the lessons for the week (except her “off campus” courses), thus she has a map of what we will cover during each week for every subject. For example, we will do Spelling Wisdom exercises 33-38. I often use the passages for recitation, spelling tests, and of course, dictation.
My question is about method as I am curious what others are doing…
1) Do you have your child/student review the passage only just before the dictation exercise begins or do they have a bit of study time prior to conducting the dictation exercise?
2) Are you conducting dictation exercises with only one passage from Spelling Wisdom (or others sources) or multiple passages in a sitting? I ask because we have done four exercises in a sitting.
Thank you in advance for sharing your experiences! In previous topics I failed to click the notification tab below and was unable to find replies… but I remembered this time! 🙂
Best regards ~ joi
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