spelling wisdom as copywork

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  • Eirana Doyle

    Hello to everyone 🙂
    I was planning on doing Spelling Wisdom once a week and then for copywork, using the book: “Patches of Godlight” by Jan Karon. Recently I saw that some of you use the Spelling book for copywork as well. I will have a 6th, 5th and 4th grader this coming school year. How do you think it works only using Spelling Wisdom for copywork? A glance in “Patches of Godlight” has me wondering if they will be able to read the writing in that book. Any thoughts?? Thank you!



    Hi Eirana! 🙂

    We have used various resources in various ways at our house. For years, I just pulled passages from the books my children were reading and used those for copywork. They copied a different passage every day and I used a different passage for dictation as well.

    This year, we are using the same passage all week. My daughter reads the passage and copies it Mon-Thurs. and I dictate it to her on Fridays. It’s working well for us so far.


    We use Spelling Wisdom for copywork, it works well.  Day 1 the kids copy the passage in their best handwriting. Day 2 they identify words they need to learn to spell and copy those onto index cards for practice. Day 3 they copy the whole passage again, paying attention to spelling those words. Day 4 they copy paying attention to the punctuation as well. Day 5 they do their prepared dictation of the passage – and are well prepared!  My 3 oldest kids (currently the only ones who have used Spelling Wisdom) are NOT natural spellers.  Studying the passage 1 day and doing the prepared dictation the next didn’t work for them at all.  This works well for them.  As a bonus, it is not unusual for them to have memorized or mostly memorized the passage by the end of the week.

    Eirana Doyle

    Thank you for your responses, Melanie32 & Tristan! Very helpful.




    Your post was extremely helpful. Thank you!

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