Hello to everyone 🙂
I was planning on doing Spelling Wisdom once a week and then for copywork, using the book: “Patches of Godlight” by Jan Karon. Recently I saw that some of you use the Spelling book for copywork as well. I will have a 6th, 5th and 4th grader this coming school year. How do you think it works only using Spelling Wisdom for copywork? A glance in “Patches of Godlight” has me wondering if they will be able to read the writing in that book. Any thoughts?? Thank you!
We have used various resources in various ways at our house. For years, I just pulled passages from the books my children were reading and used those for copywork. They copied a different passage every day and I used a different passage for dictation as well.
This year, we are using the same passage all week. My daughter reads the passage and copies it Mon-Thurs. and I dictate it to her on Fridays. It’s working well for us so far.
We use Spelling Wisdom for copywork, it works well. Day 1 the kids copy the passage in their best handwriting. Day 2 they identify words they need to learn to spell and copy those onto index cards for practice. Day 3 they copy the whole passage again, paying attention to spelling those words. Day 4 they copy paying attention to the punctuation as well. Day 5 they do their prepared dictation of the passage – and are well prepared! My 3 oldest kids (currently the only ones who have used Spelling Wisdom) are NOT natural spellers. Studying the passage 1 day and doing the prepared dictation the next didn’t work for them at all. This works well for them. As a bonus, it is not unusual for them to have memorized or mostly memorized the passage by the end of the week.