spelling wisdom and transcription question

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  • Grace


    My son is 8 and has just started Spelling Wisdom.  He is doing transcription, but has to look at words more than once to transcribe them.  I am wondering how I should schedule each exercise.  If he is looking back multiple times to write a word, does that mean he should transcribe the exercise again before moving on? Or should I just continue doing two exercises a week?  He did exercise 8 today and the word “sleeping” was one he looked at more than once.  I think another word that he had to look at more than once was “succeed” from exercise 7.  He can read well, but does not read for pleasure much yet.  I am wondering if he needs to grow more in reading before doing Spelling Wisdom.  He doesn’t have trouble reading the exercises usually, but he did need help reading “succeed” and “poultry” from exercises 7 and 8.  They aren’t words he is familiar with. Any advice?  Thanks so much.

    Karen Smith

    If your son has to look at the word several times while he is writing it, he’s not ready for transcription yet. I would set the Spelling Wisdom aside for now and have him just do copywork. When you notice he can write a few words without looking back at the words being copied, then he will be ready to go back to transcription.

    Your son is still young, and it is not uncommon for boys to be a bit “behind” in reading and spelling. Remember to teach the child, not the curriculum. 🙂


    Thanks Karen.  I was wondering that.  I will have him focus on copywork for now.  It’s a good reminder for me to teach my child and not the curriculum!


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