My son is a sophomore in high school. He is really bad at spelling. I am wondering how to correct this problem this late in the game. I have thought about using Spelling Wisdom (which we did when he was younger), AAS, or Sequential Spelling…I have tried many things over the years and nothing seems to stick even if he gets it in the moment. Please HELP!!! 🙂
Hi Julie, my son is a sophomore also and not a particularly good speller. I have noticed that the more writing I require of him the better his spelling gets. I just put him back in SW 3. We have used it off and on over the years. I believe it does work but you have to trust it and stick with it. We have also used Sequential and like it. They have an adult version of sequential. The entire program condensed into a year or 18 months I think. I considered that around 7th grade but started noticing improvement. With my son nothing really stuck until he cared, truly he never really cared until he had occasion to write in front of others in youth group or outside classes. Suddenly he was embarrassed about his spelling and wanted to do better. Then he started paying attention to words and asking for help with spelling correctly.