Specific pages to read per week in organizer

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  • 7blessings

    How can I schedule specific pages to read in a chapter of a book within a week. For example: I want my children to spend 2 weeks reading 1 chapter in Hero Tales. Then move on to the next chapter. I don’t want them to go ahead and read the whole chapter in one day or even one week. Is there a way to space things when I have specific pages to read each week?


    I did this by scheduling the book as an “added resource”. The division was pages and then the I put in each section of pages I wanted read. I don’t know if that was the easiest way, and I’d sure like to hear how others handle this! I have numerous books that will be used this way as they get older and if there’s an easier way, I’ll be looking for it.


    I can think of two ways to do this.

    1) Spend a little time up front, setting up the assignments your way. Instead of just using the Hero Tales that is already entered in, you would be adding in your own assignments for Hero Tales, with page numbers. It would take you work up front to do this, but then it’d run without you needing to do anything else afterwards.

    2) Just use the resource as it’s already set up, BUT put a sticky on the front cover or a flag on the pages each week that you want your child to read to; a sticky that says “Ch. 1 read pages x through y; next week pages y through z” OR just put a small sticky flag where you want them to stop. This would take a few seconds to do each week. You’d just hit “working on” the first time this chapter comes up on the Organizer, then the next week you’d mark it completed. You could even put in a note saying how much you got done in a given week, but I usually don’t do this as when I do complete the chapter, it’s completed and I don’t care how many weeks it took. This second option is often what I do. In the case of a book with BIG divisions, like a Genevieve Foster book that has maybe 5 chapters for a 200 page book, I just estimate about how many pages I want read per week, and then put a sticky on the front of the book saying that, and then the children just narrate to me and tell me when they’ve hit a chapter break.

    Clear as mud? LOL

    Michelle D.

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