Spanish immersion?


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  • Michelle Brumgard

    Hello, my dd7 currently attends a dual immersion Spanish/English school. She is completing first grade and is on or above grade level in both languages. We plan to start homeschooling next year. I plan to pretty much follow SCM year 1. My biggest dilemma of pulling her out of this school is how well she is doing with Spanish. I really want to continue her immersiont he best I can without knowing the language myself. However, I’d love to learn with her. So far, the Homeschool Spanish Academy skype sessions seem like the best buta re not in our budget right now. Do any of you have suggestions for me?

    Participant  These episodes are about 15 minutes and follow familiar fairy tale storylines.  We used this and my dd7 really liked it.  I had her practice the words along with it.

    Little Pim dvds are available in Spanish and are on streaming with Amazon Prime membership ($79 / year).  You can put english subtitles on with the dvds.  This is a series that continues with Next Step Espanol, etc.  I think it is more for older students than the other two (like age 8 or 9).  We plan to use this for French too.

    I had called Rainbow Resource for their recommendation.  She recommended Little Pim or  The Gift of Spanish (which I did not buy, since I used Little Pim and Salsa.)  She also said that younger students absorb the language better/faster than older students and that she would be teaching me Spanish words.  It is true.  She does know more than I do already.  I had some French in high school.  Some of it is similar and that had really helped me.  

    We also play some audio immersion that she has liked:

    Singalingo: En Mi Casa available from Amazon.  It has the lyrics included and are repetative motions like fast or slow or jump.  It is very high energy, great for kids.

    You can also look at Jose-Luis Orozco cds, dvds, and books.  We have not gotten to use these yet since we are using other resources, but your library may have them.

    Michelle Brumgard

    Thank you for the links. We have used Little Pim and will continue for my son. They will be review for my daughter At this point. I’m starting to think just having her continue reading in Spanish and immerse her in websites, movies, etc that she is familiar. It’s tough when she is already conversational in a lot of ways.


    You’re welcome. If she is already conversational, the best thing would be to get together regularly with someone who speaks the language, like a playdate. The videos and music can help keep up her skills when no one is available.

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