SOTW vs S. of Nations/America

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  • Stacey

    I have a son who will be doing Mod 5 and 6 for 7th and 8th grade. I am trying to decide between doing SOTW (probably with the activity guide) or SCM Stories of Nations/America as scheduled in the guides. I would really love to just do the guide as is and not try to figure out how to incorporate SOTW. But I hear how great SOTW is and wonder if that would be better. I know Stories of Nations/America is written for younger ages but he will be reading the grade appropriate history books scheduled. So is there any big advantage (other than convenience) in using one spine or the other? Will he miss something in either?  Thx!!


    Why don’t you use the SOTW audio as a supplement to SON/A?

    We listen to it in the car (I play only the portions of history we are working on at the time). I find that this really rounds out the curriculum and fills in details for the older kids. My youngers love Jim Weiss, and will listen to anything he reads – so they get a lot out of it, too.


    I think the suggestion to listen to SOTW is a great one. In case you are interested though, here is a blog post I did on history spines:



    I think that the writing style of Stories of the Nations/America is far more engaging than SOTW.  We’ve used both.  If I were to choose one as a spine it would definitely be Stories of..  However, as they stated above you could supplement with the audio.


    Thank you all for the ideas and encouragement. I am really hoping to use Mod 5, and 6 as is.


    This is our first year of using Stories of the Nations/America with Module 5 and my ds16 even likes hearing the stories.  I agree with JennyMN.  Several years ago, I used SOTW for a short time due to a recommendation.  I have found that following the SCM history guides has made things less complicated and more relaxing.  Sometimes, however, I have to substitute a book listed for a particular grade level because I don’t have the suggested title or cannot get it from a nearby library.  After many years of homeschooling, I have learned that if you encourage your child to love learning, any “gaps” will be filled in by them in the future (there will always be something new to learn).


    I greatly prefer the writing style of Stories of… over SotW, too.


    I prefer the Stories of… too! But the crazy thing is that my children don’t seem to like me reading them aloud!!! But they sat through three years of the SoTW – I found it harder to read and keep the characters straight.  But they didn’t seem to mind that.


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