You mentioned that for awhile you did school three weeks on and one week off with the week off being used for projects. I love that idea. Could you give me some ideas for good projects?
We used that project week to do around-the-house projects like painting and/or papering the kids’ bedrooms. They had to help measure and determine how much of everything we needed and help do the work. We also used it for longer sewing projects that just seemed to work better if we could keep going on them, rather than doing a little every once in a while. Sometimes I would use it for a longer art project, like a salt dough map or a paper mache project that takes a while to dry. We used it for spring cleaning with lots of life skills taught. We would also use project week for picking and canning or freezing produce.
Sonya, you’re brilliant! Is project week as refreshing as it sounds? My kids would love that. I have thought about doing school 4 days and using day 5 each week for other stuff. But a week sounds more effective.
Yes, it’s wonderfully freeing to know we have a whole week to tackle those larger projects, rather than trying to squeeze them in around all the other school work. And as the children have grown older, project week has morphed a bit into their using it to focus on their individual projects and handicrafts too.
We used to do six weeks on and two weeks off. It was wonderful to be able to catch up on all those little things that could be accompished “If I just a few days to myself…” For us two weeks off was too much but I like the one week idea better. My dd was asking about that a couple of months ago. It may be a good idea to re-instate it!!!