Sonya, what do you think of Notgrass

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    Exploring World history?  Or History of the Ancient World by Susan Bauer as a spine for a highschool student.  I’m being gifted the Notgrass books, so i’m sure i’ll find a way to make them work.  I would really love your opinion of them though.  Thanks





    I too would love to hear Sonyas personal opinion of Notgrass. 🙂

    Sonya Shafer

    I’ve used his Exploring Government materials but haven’t seen his history books. Sorry. Frown

    I have the World History texts and liked them, however I used them as extra reading, as I don’t believe any text can do justice to world history on its own.  The first book of the two book set has a lot of Biblical history which is excellent to read, but there is no real depth on anything in particular.  I would supplement it with books and extra study.  I made it a part of our overall history program.  I did not use the literature credit as I did not think it had enough depth.  Using the course you are supposed to have a history, literature and Bible credit.  I did not use any of them as credits, just as part of our overall learning.  They are well written and interesting, I just wanted more depth overall for all three subjects.  I am sure like me, you can easily adapt them to a more meaty program, depending on what you want to achieve.  I loved the Exploring Government, but again we read a lot of other books along with the course.

    I believe that My Father’s World uses the Notgrass curriculum with supplements for their new high school curriculum.  I’m curious if anyone has looked at or used it?  I know that it is not completely CM, but this post made me think to ask you all.




    We will be using US History from Notgrass this year.  So far I like what I see. 

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