Sonya, Handwriting Question

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    I am listening to the Spelling and Handwriting Wisdom CD – it is fabulous! Could I ask a question? I want to make sure that I am understanding things fully.

    You had said that with children just starting to learn thier strokes/letters that the expectation should be one perfect stroke or letter and then the lesson is done. What if your child copies the stroke 7 or 8 times and they are all crooked? If your child is “done” at this point, should you try the same letter stroke the next day and the next until he is able to copy it perfectly and THEN move on to the next letter the following day?

    How long should we practice that stroke or letter bf moving on to the next one?

    Thank you!

    Sonya Shafer

    With young children just starting to write, especially, it’s a good idea to supervise their writing closely. We want to set up good habits, so we don’t want them copying a stroke or letter incorrectly numerous times before we catch it. Probably the best way to avoid the situation you described is to have the child copy the stroke or letter once, then you both look at it and you encourage the child to compare his stroke/letter with the model one. He should identify any differences to correct. If he’s drawing in sand or on a white board, he can easily rub out the incorrect part and fix it to look just like the model.

    The trick is to make sure the practice is perfect. Practice alone does not make perfect, only permanent. The more times he practices the stroke incorrectly, the harder it will be to get the correct motion instilled in his muscles and mind. So we want to avoid incorrect strokes or letters as much as possible. Does that help any?


    Thank you Sonya! Yes, this does help – I just want to make sure that I am using the CM methods correctly.

    I am hoping to attend the TTD Conference and meeting you there. 🙂


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