Sonlight question…also CM Organizer?

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    I haven’t posted in awhile. Yes..I have confused myself again! I tried LBC and w/ the age ranges of my children decided I just cant do it AND can’t afford it. I am really tired of trying to figure this out..ha! I want to do Core 6 & 7 w/ my 13 and 14 year olds as they schedule in Foster books and Story of the World, although not sure how I feel about SOTW. I want all my kids studying as much of the same thing as possible, just don’t know how else I can do this and stay sane. Would it work somehow to use Sonlight (in a CM way) and use the CM organizer to fit my younger ones in somehow..or am I missing the point? I really need the Instructor’s Guide…I need a guide, even if I don’t use it exactly the way it says!

    Thanks in advance,

    Kim (Wife to Clayton for 18 years..mother to: dd14, dd13, ds10, dd7, dd4, ds2 and baby Josiah 3 months old)


    We have done Core 6 using the Sonlight guide and Charlotte Mason Planner and plan to do Core 7 next year without purchasing the Sonlight guide. Nothing wrong with the guide, I just found that I don’t need it.

    I would schedule your whole family to be in on the SOTW read aloud time but only have the older two listen in to the Foster books. You could choose books from Core 6 for your older dc and from core 1 for your younger dc. Sonlight has you jump around in the Foster book, I preferred just reading it straight through along with SOTW. So being I did my own thing anyway I decided why pay for the Guide?

    Hi Sue,

    Thank you for your reply. When doing 6 & 7 do they go in a way that the older children will get a chronological view of History? Why do they skip around in the Foster books? I was hoping the guide would help me…I really need it to stay on track …but..I also want them to get a good flow of history! In doing Year 6 & 7 do they get a good feel for “all” of History.

    I thought about doing SCM’s Genesis/AE Guide to give us biblical history in there and stretch out years 6 & 7…would that work?




    Both the Foster books and SOTW are chronological to a point but they vary slightly. Sonlight arranges the Foster books so that they match the SOTW book. I personally prefer to just read them I don’t think it has to be that exact. The Foster books have a flow to them that is better if read straight through IMHO. In Core 6 & 7 they will get a good feel for World History but Sonlight teaches American History separately even though SOTW & the Foster books cover some American History. This is another reason why I will wing it myself using the CM Planner, I prefer to cover American history and World History at the same time so we will just cover one SOTW per year and add in more books to take one year for Exploration to 1850 and another year for the Civil War to the Fall of the Iron Curtain. This is what I did with the first two SOTW books. We read a lot of the Old Testament when covering SOTW 1 and added in more literature and movies. Same for SOTW 2. My children chose to read books about other time periods in their free time so I don’t think that we have to be that picky about chronology. If you do a timeline they can see how it fits chronologically.

    I wonder if I could do the Genesis Ancient Egypt Guide from SCM for our Bible Hisoty along w/ Sonlight Core 6?


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