Son bored!

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  • Becca

    So earlier this year we switched to MUS from Horizons. I didn’t mind Horizon except I realized that once I have all four of my kids in school I could easily spend hours on math if they all used Horizon Math. I made the switch to MUS hoping that it would help prepare us for years to come. I put my son in Alpha because I wanted him to have a true understanding of how the program works. He is so bored. I started testing him out of the lessons. He actually asked me if I think he’s stupid because the problems are so easy for him. I’m tempted to just go back to our Horizons book but I still like the idea of MUS and I have read some really great reviews of how great the program is all the way through. I’m a little nervous on how he does teach a few things differently later on but so far everything he has taught has made so much sense to me.

    what do you mamas think? He’s bored.Should I just test him through the book? Watch the video and if he gets all the problems right and can teach it back just give him the test? So hopefully we can advance to Beta quickly? We are halfway through. He has all his single digit facts memorized. So should I just buy Beta and start that? Or just switch back to Horizon? I don’t want to curriculum jump because I know that’s the worst thing to do.

    Anyone have a similar situation?



    We use MUS and I really like it because my kids can work at their pace.

    As long as he has his facts down, I would have your son just test each lesson group and when he gets “stuck” slow down and review. I do like the way that many of the concepts are introduced and taught, but if your son has the facts down, I would just keep moving along. My ODS is a math minded kid so he has always worked through the books pretty quickly, but in Zeta he started to slow down. My DD works at her own pace, not as quickly as her brother but it is what works for her. I feel like with math work at your students pace, from when it comes easy to when it is more challenging 🙂


    I let my son test out.  He may not need the DVD lessons until he finds his level.



    I want to say that I think it’s really important that kids do the “D” pages even if they fly through A, B and C. Better to do A and D than A,B and C and skip D, E, F bc those pages contain review. I learned this the hard way!


    Thanks mamas! I have been doing A,D and the test page if he doesn’t miss anything. He definitely has his facts down so it’s repetitve for him for me to try and teach how Mr. Demme gets to the answer if that makes sense. I will just keep testing him out and find where he needs to be.

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