Thankful to have just joined this forum. Need advice please or shares of experience on starting studies “early.” My son is 5.5, and we have been dabbling in homeschooling both with a few different packaged curricula and piece meal since he was 3. He definitely still enjoys mostly playing all day, but he also will sit down and do copy work, read with me for hours, and illustrates and dictates his own little books. I do believe he is totally ready for some study in all areas. I wanted to start them (him with his 4.25 yo sister nearby) with some structured studies next month to take advantage of the Spring and Summer weather! Now I see Ms. Mason didn’t recommend this until they’re 6. I was planning to cover all/most subject areas…What would or have you do/done? Shall I go ahead into it, knowing we can work at our pace and not worry too much? Or should I taper it down and say, just continue reading and do the science/nature studies? What about Math and the other studies available?
Any advice, ideas and experiences welcome and appreciated!
Personally I would wait. My youngest will be 5.5 at start of next school year. He will be in kinder, but no real academics.Just a lot of cut, color and paste and reading books to him, learning letters and basic games with numbers. He will listen in time to time with the big kids, but over all keeping it simple.
I think there is so much pressure to push a head early, but there is really no rush 🙂 The more people I talk to the more I hear them say they would rather have waited for early academics. I hear more “regret” over starting early than starting later.
My 2nd is finishing up kindy this year. I still call her kindy even though she is reading above level. Her math is right at kindy level. I would still call your DS kindergarten, but give him academics to challenge him if he enjoys it. My 4 year old loves mathy stuff, so for “preschool” we do lots of sorting, patterns, she has a calendar that she does patterns and graphs the weather. We don’t do any letters with her because she isn’t interested. My understanding of early years is not to push, but if they are interested, you can try it casually as long as it doesn’t interfere with outside play and forming good habits.
I have a 6yo daughter who will turn 7 in October. We’ll officially start 1st grade in the fall. This year (her kindergarten year, I suppose) I have been having her read a little from Alphaphonics when we get to it, doing a Delightful Handwriting lesson now and then and pretty much just playing and riding her bike a lot. Lots of good books, a nature notebook like her big brothers…
From what I hear of those more seasoned than me, waiting is better than pushing early. I’m going with that.
My son has just turned 7. I started him early in more formal studies because he was reading and doing math based activities quite well. Now I see that was a mistake. I am now planning a much lighter term than what we have been doing, with focus on reading (him reading aloud), math, literature (I read to him), copywork and lifeskills (home and garden). We’ll do some hands on science activities, such as playing with magnets, constructing once a week, but most other things will come through being out and about. Now I wish I had just done this all along. CM was wise to wait til 6 years, but in a homeschool environment you can probably wait longer to introduce many things.
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