Something to explain goverment simply to 6 year old

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  • Renee Gould

    Hi everyone..

    So, I live in Colorado.  We have a  ‘Home School at the Capital’ day coming this Friday.  I haven’t done much with my 6 year old with regards to explaining politics/government. (Besides reading George Washington)  Being the inquisitive 6 year old that he is, he asked me what the government was this evening at dinner.

    Then I started to think, it might be nice to do a very simple study/living book that explains this to a 6 year old.  (He will be seven in June)

    Does anyone know of something simple I can use to explain this to him?  (Even a good video would be okay)




    I have used the mouse set of books by Peter W Barnes.


    Hi Renee!

    You can’t go wrong with School House Rock’s Three Ring Government on YouTube. 🙂

    Have fun tomorrow!


    Rachel White

    First, I would explain to him that there are different types and that at his age, you were only going to focus on the American Form of Government, which is the most unique in history, and it’s purpose

    Simply, that G-D gave every human being certain rights, that he was born with them and they are not given to him by a government, nor can they be taken away; and some of those are enshrined in our Declaration of Independence; the others are laid out in the Bill of Rights

    Our Founders wrote and organized these ideas onto our freedom documents So, then, our government was instituted (organized) by men, as a nation of laws, in order to protect and defend those rights, and it’s parameters specifically defined in the Preamble to the Constitution: “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,”

    Explain that we have towns with governments, then counties, then states, then the federal government in Washington, D C

    You could mention each of these governments has executive, legislative, and judicial branches (and just explain what those do in 5 yr old terms)

    I would suggest these books for him to look at:

    Also, these items:

    Of course, you’ll be able to say that above in a way in which you know he’ll understand it; but don’t underestimate him

    His learning our country’s songs, poems, the pledge, the names of our freedom documents (Mayflower Compact; Declaration; Articles of Confederation; Constitution; Bill of Rights; Emancipation Proclamation) and when they were affirmed; combined with knowledge of the most important Founders, is the most important, at this stage, however

    Mike Huckabee has a new DVD series called ‘Learn Our History’:

    Also, ‘Liberty’s Kids’ is great (except for it’s overemphasis on Benjamin Franklin, IMO) You may be able to get this at Netflix or Amazon or elsewhere for little to nothing

    Mine saw it on Netflix years ago


    Renee Gould

    Thank you everyone!  Wow, Rachel, thanks so much for all the detail!

    You guys are great!



    Liberty’s Kids is nice, however, my children did not like watching it or really understand it much until we had studied that time period already.  Then they got a little more from watching this series.  So, it is a supplement and not a stand alone.  Also, the whole series can be found on dvd for $5 – $10  now.  But a few years ago, it was $40 – $100.

    How was your field trip?

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