Can I just say how thankful I am for Laying Down the Rails for Children?
I have enjoyed flipping through it and scanning the various stories and poems used to illustrate each habit. I also find myself remembering folk tales, book scenes or characters, and Scriptures that I think might apply to various habits. Then I quickly grab Baby Rails, find the habit, and if what I thought of isn’t listed, I jot it down in the notes so that I’ll remember to use it when we do cover that habit.
My husband has been leading our family two mornings each week in the reading and talking about the habit we’re on right now. We’re re-visiting obedience; our move/remodel sidetracked our attention from spinning the obedience plate, and we’ve got to get the kids back up to standard. So, as David (my hubby) and I were going through the obedience section of Baby Rails and writing down our goals and reading about the habit, he said, “You know, I think this is going to be really helpful for me! When I ask or tell someone on the ministry teams to do something, I need to say it with the expectancy that they will do as I’ve asked. And I need to remember that people can respectfully appeal if they disagree with something I’ve told them to do.”
He is the worship and associate pastor of our church, and so has authority over people in our church and on the worship team. If Baby Rails is helping him to be a better communicator with the people under him, imagine what it will do for our kids!
I just wanted to thank the SCM Team once again for providing an amazing, useful, and practical resource. I blogged about Baby Rails this week, and I’m recommending it to all of my friends, whether they homeschool or not!
You probably don’t want to call it that in front of your kids. If they’re anything like my DC are they don’t want to use anything “babyish”!
I think that is the resource I’m most excited about this year. So far we’ve only had one lesson, but I really think it will help us be more consistent with our habits. My only worry is that we started with obedience…My DC are all very strong-willed, so this will be a challenge for sure!