So Excited / Thankful

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  • suzukimom

    As some of you may remember, earlier this summer I decided that I wanted to change math programs because of my son struggling and I really wanted to do Rightstart, but didn’t have a clue how I would afford it….

    Well I wrote BookSamaritan back then with a list of what we needed….

    I got a box today!!!!!

    It has almost everything I need – all the manipulatives except the geoboard (I think they included one from a different company… at least I THINK that is what is there… different in number of pegs etc though.)  The Transitions Lesson Book, Level B lesson book, Level B worksheets and Level A worksheets (Canadian version of both!)     Game cards (Canadian Version!), Geme book, etc!     And most of it I am sure has never been opened, and the stuff that has been looks in good condition.

    Really, all I need is the Level A lessons (but is for the 3 year old, so really no rush there – and possibly the geoboard (if the one I got won’t work… but I also have a link to an internet virtual one)  and probably a couple more abacuses – although our homemade ones are working fine.

    I am really about to cry….

    Excited with you :o)


    congrats! yeah!

    Wonderful, there is always a way and God is awesome always…..Linda


    What an awesome blessing!!  Gina


    yaaaayyyyy!  rejoicing with you!  God is sooooo GOOD!


    Praise the Lord!  He surely is the God who provides!

    blue j

    Yay! God delights to give us the desires of our hearts. 🙂

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