I printed out the list of habits on p. 43 in Sonya’s Free E-book Smooth and Easy Days. Thanks, Sonya for the quick, easy read so chock full of good info!
I printed a list of habits for each of my 5 children. I went through each list and highlighted which habits they had developed. I’ve decided to do this once a year to see what progress we’ve made.
I was so proud of myself for focusing on the positive (which habits they had learned- I hadn’t realized some of them until I went through the list) instead of my usual way of being overwhelmed with how far they still have to go.
Since I am so visual, it was good for me to see the lists with the highlights. I also realized that of course my 15 yo will have more good habits in place than the 3 yo (I know, not a real surprise here, but it was an AHA! moment that if I keep working slow and steady with the 3 yo that he will eventually form good habits too, so it helped me relax a bit.
Anyway just thought I’d share. This was a real burden lifter for me.