I don’t want to bug you kind ladies too much, but I just need some help to get through school today.
My husband is a reservest that has been activated since 9/11 and we have moved (willingly) 12 times in order to keep or family together and still serve the country. My husband was called yesterday, and even though he is only one of two people in his office (the Emergency Operation Center) they are trying to deploy him to the Mid East for a year. We also have a working farm in MN and own a lumberyard, so Dan has been doing double duty for over 8 years.
I can’t tell the kids until we know for sure, but I am a mess as he is my best friend and I can’t imagine a year without him. I can’t seem to stop crying, but I must get through school today without alarming the kids.
Please help me pray for strength and that the true will of God would prevail in this matter.
As a military wife and mum I know how you are feeling – during the first gulf war, my husband left two weeks after we were married and I did not see him for about a year after that – it was a difficult way to start a marriage – and I did not have children at the time to cope with or a business. He is still in the military and through all these years together since the first Gulf War we have often had to be apart. It is a challenge that those who don’t have a military spouse sometimes cannot quite understand, especially when they deploy for a lengthy tour. It is also far more of a challenge when the children are in the picture – which I found out on the subsequent times he was away and we did have children. It is always difficult and readjusting afterwards is also sometimes a challenge. Anyway, our prayers will be with you today and if can be of any help to you, please let me know – just an ear or someone to vent to, don’t hesitate to let me know. I am sure there are other military members on this forum that can also offer support. Try and have a blessed day, these are the days, when we somehow have to pull it together for the sake of the children and in the end ourselves. Try and put some fun into your day today..how old are your children and what branch of service is your husband in – we are Air Force. Bless you – I will be thinking of you. Linda
I will also be praying for you. I say a little prayer each day that God will hold Brian’s deployments off just a little bit longer…but I know eventually it will be time. I’m not sure how I will handle it either…the last deployment we only had 4 children, we are expecting our 7th in October.
We also wait until we know specifics to tell the children. With deployments or moves. I think you are doing the right thing by trying to hold it all together for them. But it can be oh so hard to do. Just this morning (after hanging around this forum for 7 months) I found out there are 3 other military wives besides myself. We can all support each other. And pray for each other. Like Rachel said, it is not at all a small request, and I am more than happy to be be praying for your family.
I would take the advice of the others, and make the next few days “light and fun”. I’m always thankful I have the children to keep me company when Brian is gone.
I know what you’re going through, my hubby leaves in 2 weeks and I only found out last week (he’s a Sgt in the army). I will be praying for you and your family. As military wives who homeschool, ours is a peculiar burden to shoulder, oftentimes alone. Know that you have sisters here who understand and can be a source of strength and comfort. Here’s a scripture I’ve tucked into my heart during this time of uncertainty “Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Phillipians 4:6-7)
Please continue to let us know how we can specifically be praying for you, your husband and your children.
How nice it is to know that there are so many of us military wives in this group. As Rachel rigtly states, it is a peculiar burden we face and a good portion of my own 19 year marriage has been spent alone, with deployments, TDYs etc – it is not always an easy road, but I second everything everyone on here has said, about keeping the load light for a few days, and putting fun into the days until things all fall into place. Rachel I will keep your family and husband in my prayers as well. It is hard enough in these difficult times of recession and uncertainty to get through some days, but when you have the added burden of a spouse oftentimes in harms way, it doubles and triples the difficulty and adds layers of stress that few understand. I am glad there are a few of us on this forum who do understand the full impact of husbands wo deploy and the impacts on us and our children. It is especially hard to be upbeat for our children when our own hearts are aching, but on those especially bad days, it is ok to relax the schedule and put some fun into life, even though we may not feel it ourselves. There were deployments that our daugthers sailed through, and others as they got older, that they found very difficult to handle – every time was different – at 17 they are now very resiliant young women though I have to say. Let us al try to be a support for one another – my husband is coming to the last years of his military service, and my children are now young adults 17years old, but I have been there and done that, and I know how tough it can be. I don’t know if my husband will deploy again in the next 2 years, I hope not – but you never know. So ladies God bless you all who have little ones, and challenges to meet – yes please let us know how we can specifically pray for your needs. Each night of my marriage I have said a special prayer for all military families, and I continue to do so – but it is nice to offer individual prayer when it is needed. So please just ask. God bless you all – Linda
Thank you ladies so much! I am getting teary again so I’ll be short, but I just wanted to say how happy I am that I have all of you here.
My husband is in the Army this is his 24th year total, 13 active and 11 reserves. When I married him he was mostly a farmer and then he took a company command and was gone more than he was home. It was very hard with three in diapers at the time, but we managed. Then 9/11 happened and he was activated right away. We got to go with him and have been all over now.
This is particularly hard because he was going to get out and go back to our formerly rural life come November. I was mentally ready to have a “normal” life.
Rachel, I admire your strength seeing that you are in the same situation as me! I hope that my husband leaves fast if he must, I think dwelling on it makes it harder. I’ll be keeping you in my prayers too–oh, and thank you for the verse, it was just what I needed.
bailymom and missingtheshire thank you as well. I had no idea there were other military moms here. It is a relief and a blessing. I was feeling pretty alone as I have no family anywhere near me, but I have you ladies.
I cannot even imagine what you’re going through! My kids get so upset if my husband doesn’t tuck them in at night, let alone leaving for a war zone. My heart and my prayers go out to you right now. I hope it eases your heart some to see that there are several ladies here who are going through/have been through a similar situation. Take comfort in their words and advice, especially the Scripture.
You are not alone Caroline, even though it oftentimes feels like you are – I also know that feeling, my family was in England and my husbands in Michigan and were far from us when the deployments came up – I am sure over the years you have gained some resilience and strength as I did and most days we just muddle through because we have to – and when in doubt, look to our Father who is always by our side. The Bible has been a huge blessing to me in many a crisis when no-one else has been near enough to help or advise. Stay in touch and let us know your needs. Sonja thanks for making this forum available and for allowing us to occasionally stray off topic, you are also a huge blessing in all our lives. Linda
Thank you for your sacrifice (and Rachel, and Amber and all others who are going through this as well).
I would share with you a book I’m reading; Loving God with All Your Mind by Elizabeth George. This morning, I read that she went through the very situation you are describing. She pulls strength from Phil. 4:8 “Whatsoever things are true….think on these things.” While I don’t deal specifically with your storm, I have many of my own. I need to remember this truth daily!!
My dh is retired National Guard. His one and only deployment came when ds was 6 months old, so he missed a lot of “firsts.” Ds didn’t know him on his few trips home that 18 months. But both of our families were local, so at least I had them on bad days. But I do know something of how you feel. And if he hadn’t been eligible for retirement when he got back, he would have been re-deployed in May.
Hope this helped.
You’re in Huntsville, aren’t you? I live near Tupelo, MS, which isn’t terribly far.
I am praying for you right now! I pray that God will enable you to “set your face like a flint”, and move into the dwelling place of God and to abide there the rest of your day!! I am not a military wife and mother, I am a pastors wife and mother, so I thank you so much for your sacrifice of your ‘normal’ life and giving up of your husband for our country!
Keep looking to Jesus! Christy
( I am currently reading “God of All Comfort” by Hannah Whitall Smith, it has ministered to me in so many countless ways, this morning I read the dwelling place of God, hope it encourages you!)
Thank you so much. I can’t tell you how much it helped me get through the morning. I guess I will have to busy myself with projects and read some of those books mentioned above. I think the hardest thing is waiting to find out all the particulars. I’m going to go sing Psalm 91 as that always makes me feel better. 🙂