I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I was really excited about This Country of Ours, and so I read the chapter on Mormons. I was appalled at the way the story was told with all the hate and inaccurate statements. I was very saddened by this chapter because it made me wonder what else was distorted and untrue in other stories. I have read other reviews on Amazon and heard that it was also unkind toward Catholics and others. When we listened to the story of John Smitth, I was kind of suprised to hear some of the derogatory remarks about him too. So, as much as I thought that she was going to be a great resource for our family, I had to choose to not use this book. I have not looked at the Landmark one as we aren’t doing American history (we’re on Module 1) this year, but will check into it. Thanks for the different source =) I have an ongoing list of websites to check out from this forum as they begin to apply to us. =) Sheila