Skipping Assignments

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  • junkybird

    If I need to skip an assignment for now, like the planetarium assignment in the 106 days, but want to go back and mark it as completed later–can you do that?  I was under the assumption that if I ‘skip’ something it will never show up again.  Is that right?  We can’t exactly make it to the planetarium right now, but we will later.  I don’t want to mark it as skipped . . . am I making any sense?

    I would try it out, but I don’t want the assignment to go away completely.  Just want to make sure before I do something bad in the CMO.  Thanks!


    You could try rearranging the order of assignments instead.


    don’t click to skip it…

    go into the resource scheduler, and edit the schedule – move it to a later time in the order of things.



    Okay!  Thanks, I’ll just edit them.  I actually forgot that I could do that . . . oh what a day 🙂

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