Skip a Lesson to come back

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  • TX-Melissa

    I just discovered our local library has Yellow and Pink. Yay! But, we’re coming up on that lesson and it is checked out. Is it possible to skip over that lesson in the organizer and then go back to it when the book becomes available? What’s the best way to go about doing that?



    Sonya Shafer

    Hmm, . . . currently, if you skip a lesson (and click Skip) it disappears off the schedule. A couple of possibilities come to mind:

    1) If you’re sure you’re going to get the book and read it at some point, you could go ahead and check that assignment off as Finished and not worry about the date being different.

    2) If you want to wait until you have the book in your hands, you could skip that assignment for now. Then when the book arrives, you could schedule just that book and check it off as Finished on the day you read it.


    Thanks Sonya! I wasn’t sure what exactly would happen if I clicked that “skip” option. Since there is always a possibliity the book might not come back to the library, I think I’ll go with option 2.

    Appreciate your quick response.


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