Sketch books Mr. Shafer used?

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  • Tia

    At a conference I went to, I remember Mr. Shafer speaking about some sketch books and pencils he used with the girls.  I was thinking of picking up some of the books for my dad for his birthday.  They were “Learn to Sketch” type books.  Does anyone know what I’m talking about?  I can’t remember the name of them…

    Sonya Shafer

    John likes to use the Walter Foster books, Tia.




    ROFL….Oh, that Mr. Shafer! I read Tia’s post, and I kept thinking, “Who’s Mr. Shafer? Is he some art expert I’m not aware of? Did I miss something on the forum???”

    Something tells me I need to settle down for a long winter’s nap….Embarassed

    Sonya Shafer

    LOL Laughing


    Sue, I admit to wondering if I had missed something about an exciting new curricululm. Smile I need a long winter’s nap too! But as I said on Misty’s DST thread, my little ones are getting up before 6 a.m. so no chance of that right now.

    Doug Smith

    By the way, the session John did on teaching art skills was captured on the Books & Things Seminar recording.

    Lesley Letson

    We have gotten the Walter Foster Learn to Draw (kids and regular) apps for the iPad and really like them. You can buy different lesson packs – they will occasionally run specials where the lesson packs are $0.99 – we waited and bought ours then. My son doesn’t draw on the iPad like the app suggests, but he uses it just like the books and draws in his notebook. Just wanted to toss that out there too 🙂

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