site page with 12th grade subjects?

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  • is there a page on the main site that will tell my what my 12th grader needs to be studying? 

     i found the Curriculum Guide page, but that’s not really what i’m after.  is there anything else, or do i need to just go back to that page and go through every one of the hyperlinks?

    tia!  🙂


    I believe you need to click on the subject you are wanting to cover and within that it will have some grade level breakdown. Hopefully someone else will chime in. I’m kind of going by memory.

    yes, i think you are referring to the Curr. Guide page.  😉

    i was hoping there was a page that said something like “this is what your 12th grader needs to be learning, these are the books they need to read,”  blah blah blah.  🙂


    If there is, I missed it somewhere along the way.   I have a sneaking suspicion that you will have to use the guide and construct one for yourself. 😉  

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