Singing Instruction – Help, Please

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  • missceegee

    I would like for my children (and me) to learn to sing – in tune, on key, or whatever the appropriate musical terms are. I remember in elementary school singing with the do-re-mi- etc… and that seeming simple enough then, but that was eons ago!

    Are there any good resources that can help our family learn to sing nicely. I’m not looking for solo quality, but just a basic understanding of music and the ability to carry a tune. I’m open to finding an outside teacher, but don’t know where to look. Vocal lessons seem the closest thing, but more advanced that we need.

    DD9 is on her second year of piano lessons and doing well, but she says she hates singing b/c she is not good at it. She loves music and I think she could come to enjoy singing if she’s given the proper tools to learn to do it well, but I have no ability to help. She’s a perfectionist who would prefer to NOT do something over doing it poorly.

    Thanks, you all are always a wonderful resource of ideas!



    I have seen this recommended by someone I really admire – we may be starting it soon – but haven’t gotten anything yet…


    I was coming on here to second Singing Made Easy! I haven’t actually used it yet either, but heard great things about it from my ‘Andrew Pudewa (IEW) fan’ friends. Its on my wish list. Laughing


    Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into it.



    The Jolly Music curriculum – from the UK but available in the USA – is excellent.  Here’s the link for the US catalogue:


    I know this is an older post, but I was wondering if any of you who have said they planned on using singing made easy have finaly got it and used it.  I went to the website but I couldn’t understant how it was taught.  I would like a little more info on Singing Made Easy before I decide to buy it.  How did it work for you?



    Hi Ruth

    I am one that hope to use it at some time…. but money has been to tight to buy it, and we have been pretty busy with violin (for 3) and piano (for the oldest) to add in singing other than just singing in the car, etc…


    Hi Ruth.  We haven’t used it yet, but I just received it in the mail.  I’m hoping to open it up today and take a look – I’ll let you know what I find.



    Hi Ruth,

    We have started using Singing Made Easy, level one, for one week.  So far the kids love it.  The book provides simple instructions for posture and relaxation/breathing exercises.  The cd has Marcia McCurry singing simple songs for you to sing along with.   First she sings all of the songs, then there is an audio of just the music, high and low.  There is a focus for all the songs, which seem specially chosen to practice a range of skills.  

    We are not a singing family, and this is exactly what we need to get us going.  I have the other four levels, but haven’t looked at them yet.  If you want more information, I would be glad to try and help.


    Thanks so much for replying and letting me know how its working.  It sounds like it is somewhat like I was hoping it would be.  I think the biggest thing I am curious about  is, how do I know what to make my voice sound like?  I don’t know how to carry a tune and I don’t understand how to teach it either.  That to me is the biggest thing I want myself and the cildren to learn.  I would like us all to be able to carry a tune without having those around us cringe at our singing atempts.  Embarassed 


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