Singapore Math Questions

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  • Mariah

    After weeks of looking for a new math curriculum (coming from Saxon), I finally feel like Singapore is where my daughter would do best! So relieved that decision is over!

    I believe my daughter would be in level 2B/3A for 3rd grade, with a little muliplication and division practice over the summer.

    Do I need the home instructors guide, the workbook, the textbook, and the intensive practice supplement book for both levels?

    Is it easy to schedule (1 lesson a day), or is it master a concept before you move on type of a curriculum?



    We’ve used Singapore pretty much all along with my oldest who is a rising 3rd grader. She will be in 2B/3A next year. We’ve never used the home instructor guides, but yes to the textbook and workbook. When she needs additional practice I just make up problems on our chalk board, so I’ve not yet used the supplement packet. I can see needing that as the concepts get more complex, but I’d say try it first without. We love the approach of Singapore. The mental mathematics is really excellent in my opinion.


    I just wanted to say, that while we are only finishing up 1A (we did Earlybird and then 1A for kindergarten), we love Singapore so far. I know it sounds crazy, but the methods they use are teaching ME so much….in addition and subtraction! I really wish I’d have learned math this way when I was a child. I always did fine in math, but now I’m realizing there are way faster ways to do it and it blows my mind! Hahaha!

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