Does anyone know where to get a copy (ebook or real) of Simply Spelling? I have heard that it is very similar to Spelling Wisdom but that it includes some spelling rules… is that correct?
I will tell you that I recently abandoned it. My ds (3rd grade) is not ready for dictation, so I didn’t require it. He balked at doing the minimal daily work, as well. And I’m not sure he retained a lot of the rules, since I felt they were merely touched upon and not given a lot of emphasis.
Another problem I have with it didn’t show up on the sample on the website. There were a few places that had typos or sentences that didn’t make sense. The last selection we did, For Want of A Nail, contained the instruction, look at the word “daisy.” Well, if she meant in the selection, she should have said “nail.”
Hmmmm…. that doesn’t sound so great. I haven’t seen a sample of it at all, as it isn’t on the shoelace site anymore. (That is the only place I have found that was supposed to have it.)
Maybe I will just try Spelling Wisdom… I just hate to spend the money on it if it doesn’t work out. We are on a very limited budget around here. LOL
I used Delightful Dictation with my ds10 who was a very reluctant speller/writer. I had tried Spelling Wisdom but it was too much for him at the time. Delightful Dictation eased him into the dictation process with shorter sentences and simpler words. I liked that it has spelling practice included. Using the book “ABCs and All their Tricks” along side Delightful Dictation made a big difference for us to reinforce spelling rules and provide a lot of choice of extra spelling words if needed.
I had a season of doubt and strayed from the CM philosophy of using studied dictation to improve spelling. I purchased workbooks thinking my ds had not learned much from Delightful Dictation. In hindsight, I can see the gentle approach was actually very beneficial for him and I am planning to ditch the workbooks and go back to what works best 🙂
All the best with your decision making 🙂
Blessings, Michelle
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