Hi, I’m hoping to get some insight from some moms who have used TOG and are switching to SCM. I LOVE CM philosophy, but was reluctant to go forward with it, because it was so wide open and then there was AO – which was still VERY wide open and I REALLY need structured. THEN I found SCM and thought – this is JUST what I’ve been looking for, BUT we just moved and I’m in a new homeschool group and several of the moms use TOG and are really encouraging me to check it out because they like it so much. I HAVE looked at TOG in the past and it seemed VERY overwhelming, but very meaty and well-done. I really am leaning toward SCM, but just was looking for some affirmation that SCM is not as labor intensive or overwhelming as what I perceive TOG to be.
Comments from moms who need structure and have only used SCM would also be appreciated.
If this is not an appropriate forum for comparing the two formats I understand if you need to delete this post – I just can’t find comparisons anywhere else and since I’m kinda hoping for a biased to SCM comparison I thought perhaps I could find some help here.
Rebekah, This is a fine place to post this question. I can’t answer it, though, but I’m sure someone can. I also looked at TOG and felt overwhelmed as well. I did, however, use a few of the book selections.
I looked at it also and decided that it was too much and didn’t cover enough for the price. The subjects it covered was only a piece of our educational puzzle. So I didn’t want to spend the money on that when I would need other items as well.
HI, I am just coming out of using Tapestry of Grace Redesigned year 2, it is a Great program but is very intense work for mom! I also feel rushed through ALL the books and them not getting much out of them because of that. I only use it for 8 yr old and 11 yr old which are the two lower stages in TOG, the upper levels are very intense and I would maybe go back and use them in High School?? Not sure though. I am switching to SCM this fall and am gathering my materials now, and its not very intense at all for mom, i already have books lying around that i can use for topics! So if we all like this then i wont switch to TOG again, and like cjwagner77 said its only a piece of the educational puzzle and you need to add all other subjects to it,,so the price is also a thing to consider, I hope this has helped you , Billiejo
Thank you that IS so helpful. Your experience confirms my supposition. It’s hard not to be drawn to TOG because it seems so “meaty”, but I’m glad that you mentioned feeling rushed because I’m sure that’s how I would feel and that’s just a stress that I don’t want to add. CM’s philosophy is such a well-rounded program and SCM seems to capture it without making it overwhelming. I am curious as to whether or not you’ve considered using any of the supplementary activities listed on TOG’s website as they seem to correlate pretty closely to the SCM timeline of history. I was clicking through a few of the links and there are some really fun things available, though I’m not sure when I’ll have time to prescreen them and then schedule them in, it’s nice to know that they are there.
I have to agree with the excellent comparisons posted above. I, too looked at TOG (and everything else for that matter) and just could not find what I was looking for. I found SCM a few months ago and very hesitantly ordered the Genesis-Deut. guide and I cannot explain in one post how perfect it is for us. I actually changed our school plans in April to start this with my whole family and it is WONDERFUL; the answer to many years of searching.
Hi again, Im glad that I could help with some information! I did use some of their activity’s like the Salt map and things like that but not to much cause the reading of all the items were way more intense then having some fun, but I am one who likes to check mark the box and say It Has To Be Done, and with TOG you cant go onto the next week until you have finished the books or you would be lost, so maybe if you stretched one week out over 2 and fit in some activities would be good but still you are a slave to the schedule. SCM seems to me (havnt used it yet so not quite sure) through all the great postings on here, that YOU make the schedule and DO it at your own pace, and how MANY items and WHICH items you would like to cover for each topic, which is what i will LOVE!Hope that helped also, God Bless, Billiejo
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