Sibling issues – Older tearing down younger just for kicks

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Habits Sibling issues – Older tearing down younger just for kicks

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by mom.
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  • eviesmomma

    I have a 9yo dd, 5yo ds, and 1-1/2yo dd. My middle boy loves his older sister. The problem is that she uses it to her advantage in order to make him sad. How do I go about tackling this problem? For instance, today he wanted her to look at something in his room, and he asked her nicely several times. Each time she ignored him and walked right past him to go do something else, to which he lowered his head and said, “aw darn it.” Or for another example, they’ll be playing together just fine, and suddenly she’ll get up and just leave because she knows it’ll make him cry. She’ll have a smug smile on her face while she does it! So I know it’s just for kicks.

    Her attitude is really bothering me and makes me so angry! My middle is the sweetest kid ever and just adores the ground his sister walks on, and half the time they DO get along great, but the other half of the time she just KNOWS how to take the power she has over him and make him cry.  I have no idea how to “make” someone be kind-hearted toward someone else.  I’ve reasoned with her, spanked her, given her time-outs, sent her to bed early, lectured her, etc., etc…to no avail. I’ve explained to her the golden rule, but she doesn’t seem to care. I’m at my end with this one. Help!


    Stick with this one! We struggled for years with older children criticizing one of the younger ones. Now the younger has some real issues that resulted from the verbal pounding. Now we handle it as something that must leave the home. For we moms this looks like this: Know what God says about how we are to treat one another and what God’s plan is for our children. Really know it! Our sermon at church today referred to the cleansing of the temple. The question posed was, “Parents, are you truly jealous for God’s purposes in your children’s lives or are you being a wimp?” I know for me, I need to hold these truths dearly in me so that in the heat of the battle, so to speak, the Holy Spirit can encourage me to stand strong. That does not mean angry, but strong.

    You are right, you cannot make someone be kind-hearted, however, as the authority in your home along with your husband, you get to set the standard for behavior. I’m sure you are praying and rebuking the spirit of unkindness and asking God to replace it with loving-kindness.

    On a very pragmatic note, extra chores can work wonders as sometimes these sorts of things come from boredom. Also, a 9yo can be sensing some changes emotionally, if not physically. That can cause them to desire to distance themselves a bit from the younger ones. Also, for my girls, it also manifested itself in what I call snippiness and snootiness with the youngers, depending on whether they were feeling ‘little’ that day or ‘grown up.’ Some would say that we need to endure this ‘phase.’ I think you are a wise and loving mother to sense that this does not have to be a part of family life.

    What a blessing your son must be to be so tenderhearted! I have such a sweet picture of him in my mind.




    I have three, the middle is the only girl. She is usually the instigater. I have been having more talks w her about listening to the concience God has placed in ea of us. Making sure that she treasures the Holy Spirits warnings and doesnt ignore that still small voice, but instead keeps her heart open and willing towards Jesus at all times. I am praying for her and over here for these things. When I see her doing something unkind (usually to her younger bro), I see each moment w fresh eyes. Whenshe does something unacceptable, I have to see Just That particular sin, not…all of the times before. Otherwise I loose hope, because she Still hasnt changed. Instead, I commit to fully dealing with this incident, pray for supernatural strength to handle it correctly, then i take care of it…takling it head-on.

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