Should my son repeat grade 2 ?

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  • Nathalie

    I really dont know what to do ! We have been travelling all over Japan and Europe for my husband. MY son just turn 8, he is very smart and have learned a lot due the travelling, very open to conversation and love to lurn just not for school lol ! He is behind in reading ( due to problem of his eyes that we found end of  of first grade) but can read …. Math he knows a lot  fraction, perimeter,moneys,measurement inches/cm count by 2,5,10, addititon ,substraction 3 to 4 etc….We are doing Charlotte Mason, and thru fathers World and Math U  See. I dont know what to do and I need to make a decison by Sept 15 to tell my state if he is going in 3rd grade…..

    Any advice ?



    Homeschooling is about learning at your own pace in your own way. Unless your state has some sort of testing you don’t think he will pass I wouldn’t hold him back.



    thank you for your answer

    I need to report to homelife academy ! No test tho


    I would keep him ‘in 3rd’.  My sons are 8yo 3rd graders but they probably are more typical of 2nd graders right now in their 3Rs.  It doesn’t matter.  They progress at their own pace and I have no worries that they one may be more like a 2nd grader in math or maybe more like a 1st grader in writing!  For paperwork I them in the grade for their age.  In a school house you’ll find all sort of abilities in each of the grades.  That’s just the way learning is! 

    It sounds like your family has had wonderful travel opportunities.  That’s amazing and such a gift to your son I bet. 



    Thank you Shannon, I agree with you just dont want to do the wrong choice, and yes it is wondeful for him just to learn it does not see borders i love it 🙂 ANd plus Iam french so I am teaching french just to complicate the all thing 🙂


    I agree with the others that unless you have to do testing, report him as the grade his age would indicate.  You will be surprised at how children sometimes have learning spurts (just like growth spurts).  On the other hand, sometimes they need extra time at some things too. 


    I report my children’s grades based on the grade all their peers at church and other community organizations are in, so that it’s easier to manage registration for those things.  For example my DD had to be 8yo and in grade 3 to start our community violin lessons.  The grade level has almost nothing to do with their academic program.  The only curriculum that we use that even has ‘levels’ is math, and since we are using MEP, which is from the UK and doesn’t match up with our provincial curriculum anyway, it doesn’t really matter.


    thank you MOMS got it 🙂 I just want it to to hear it from you 🙂

    I have been praying and God was giving me the direstion also …..


    I just wanted to share that even if you have required testing, according to HSLDA, it’s not until the child is at a third grade level. If you need to verify feel free to contact them. That is what they told me directly. Hope that helps.


    thank you 🙂


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