Should my 4 year old be able to write his name or letters?

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    I know that Charlotte Mason suggested little to no accademics for very young children.  However, I can’t help noticing that every other child my son’s age seems to be writting somewhat…or at least attempting to write.  In our neighborhood all of the other 4 year olds are already writting their names and have been for some time.   My son shows absolutly NO interest in attempting to write. He actually has no interest in even scribbling with a crayon, markers or anything.  This is completly foreign to me becaues I used to LOVE to color as a child.  I have tried to just be patient and just let him do his thing…but should I be more strongly encouraging him to learn this?  Is he behind developmentally in this area?

    I mentioned before that all of the other kids in our neighborhood have been writting their names for some time. Those kids all go to an actual formal “preschool”.  It is very uncommon for a child not to go to preschool in our community–so we are the odd balls out.  My DH is worried because he seems to think that keeping our son home is actually putting him behind.  That makes me feel added pressure.

    SO–does anyone have any advice for me?  Should I relax about this?  Or, should I try to gently encourage him to learn this?  Is he actually “behind” most 4 year olds? 

    No way is this necessary at 4.  If he wants to and likes it then great, but if not no big deal.  It is very common for boys not to like to color.  My almost 5 yo is starting to show some interest but it lasts about 5 minutes.  His older brother writes (almost 8) so he sometimes says I want to do it and then he makes shapes or some lines and says it is a snake or lizzard. I too was worried at first because my oldest was drawing and coloring before 2 and by 4 could draw some pretty detailed pictures.  I was assured that he is not typical (my oldest) and that boys need more time to develop fine motor skills so just go with the gross motor skills until the fine ones are ready to go.

    My 2.5 yo daughter likes to color and can sit still and read longer than my almost 5yo boy.  Boys tend to be late bloomers in this department but catch up rather quickly.  You could try to sit and color.  Get a fun coloring book or even blank paper and draw or color near him. He may become interested in it.  Trace your hand and see if he wants to try, make it into a turkey.  Show him that you are having fun.  At this point it is realy not a cause for concern tough. He may never enjoy drawing or coloring, but will probably show interest in writing letters in the next few years.

    A few good book that might help you feel at ease and hubby too.  They may have them at your library.

    For the Children’s Sake. by Susan Schaeffer, Better Late Than Early by Moore

    School Can Wait by Moore (good if you like more technical reading)

    Also Bringing up Boys has some good info

    I know there are a few more.  Charlotte has a lot to say about it. I have a good blog saved about should you start kindy and what Charlotte said about it all but I will have to hunt it down.


    UGH This is so hard to deal with, at least in your own mind, if that makes any sense.  I can give the example of my two kids, the older (a girl, of course) was scribbling as soon as she could hold a crayon.  Never stopped.  Wrote early and has never quit since.  She is a strong reader, but does not read for pleasure – she writes and draws – all day – every day.

    Second child – a boy of course lol – never looked twice at a crayon (except to eat them).  Has no interest in drawing, painting, writing etc.  He is six.  He can write, but it is a difficulty.  We do most work orally, incl. math.  I hope his ease in writing develops with age and maturity.

    I don’t know what my point is except to let you know that you are not alone!  DS6 went to pub school kindy last year (he also went to preschool for a while, so that is not a magic pill for early writing, either) and all the teachers agreed that his work was age appropriate, so I am trying not to stress about it.  He has some interest in working mazes and doing dot to dot so I try to capitalize on that to work his fine motor skills.

    Good luck!  Soon they will be old enough to type LOL.


    My now almost 6 year old boy didn’t like pencils, crayons or the like either at that age. We just let him be. He was too busy exploring, running, finding insects, etc to sit and do anything.

    He will be 6 next month. Sometime near the beginning of this school year, he decided that writing was neat and started doing it. He copies words off of books and magazines, tries to spell things himself, colors, etc. He is actually now moving faster than all my other kids did at this age in learning to write and read.

    So at 4, I wouldn’t worry about it. Give him other sensory experiences that will help with the writing task later. Painting, shaving cream writing/drawing andplaydough/clay are good for find motor. Gross motor skills will help support fine motor later so anything that works his back, shoulders or arms (ie throwing balls, building with things, etc) would help also.

    God has a timeline worked out for your sons development already. No need to rush or worry. It will happen when it happens!



    Just wanted to chime in and say don’t worry and don’t push or he might hate writing forever!! LOL! Both of my sons did not like to write until 6! I felt bad too! I tried to get them to write their names at 4. The first one did after pushing. But didn’t like to do any writing or coloring! Occasionally he would trace. But I decided I wanted him to have a LOVE for writing, coloring, etc.. The only way to do this was to back off! I am soooo glad I did! The oldest has good writing skills and he LOVES to draw, color, all the above! He does it everyday. I never ever thought back then that he would.

    When the second came along, thought he would be different. They have such unique personalities. But he was exactly like his brother and didn’t want to write let alone color. He is 6 and he is writing more. It does not look good. But I know it will come. He doesn’t like to color as much..but sometimes he will sit and do it for a while. Other days he absolutely does not want to color! Right now I am amazed because he just begged me to do copywork!!??

    It is hard not to compare. Every child is different. And putting him in preschool may not excel him more than he is now…if he is not ready. Preschool is a little over rated in my humble opinion! You are giving your son love, nuturing, character building, and so much more that is so important in the early years! So much more important than writing his name at 4! He will learn, try not to worry! I know I have been there done that! As I am sure many other moms on here have too!

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