After seeing Zookeeper’s intro post, I realized I never really did that. I guess I should do that too! So here goes.
We just started our third year of HSing. We have used a very ecclectic approach from the start, but this year we are really pursuing a CM education for our five children.
I am the blessed Mommy to five ages 12, 11, 9, 6 and 5. We have four sons (the oldest four) and then DD is our caboose … for now. We are in the process of adopting again, though we’re just getting started.
I really have enjoyed this forum and am so greatful for all of the ideas shared and just how you all are REAL!!! That helps me to know I’m not alone on the days where I feel nothing is going right or that I am going crazy!
Hi there, LDIMom, I’m so glad you’re joining us! How exciting that you’re starting with CM this year-I’m sure you’ll enjoy it~and this community is the best hands down for information and encouragement.
my husband and I have 3, going on 4 children, dd 8, dd4, ds18months, and d? due in Jan-Feb. We’ve always homeschooled (I’m a grown up homeschooler myself) and we’ve always been on the CM track, although I didn’t know what I was missing till I found SCM and their great team. I’m so thankful for their mission, heart, and hard work. They’re just awesome
And, as the daughter of an adopted child, thank you for what you’re doing! I know it’s not easy, but it’s so important. Blessings to you and your sweet family!
so nice to meet you! We are growing more Charlotte Mason in our home school each year. I am SO encouraged by the persons here and learn alot! glad you decided to introduce your self! What a wonderful house full you have. Have DD9 DS6 and DS1. We have always home schooled and have been very very blessed by it.
I never introduced myself either, just hopped on and started taking advantage of all the great advice:) I have five young kiddos, two of which are doing actual “school”. I researched homeschooling philosophies long ago and decided on CM, then was given lots of free workbooks from women at church and went that way, and forgot about CM. Last year I realized how much my children and I disliked school, so I went back and looked at my old notes and found CM again. I am so thankful, and we have wonderful days of learning now (still challenging, but much more enjoyable). I found this website and have really been enjoying my first full module, Mod. 5 that we started in June. Thanks!
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